
So what I’m hearing is Ashly Burch should have been cast in Rob McElhenny’s role. So it becomes Hot Ego-Ash girl meets hot-Asian-nerd-girl, as they hang out with It’s Always Sunny and Abed in the morning making dick jokes while being overtly offensive while occasionally, vaguely referring to video games and the

Yea, it’s a pain in the butt when you don’t follow something that looks like the “hero’s journey.”

THIS! You know there’s some intern or disney botnet mining the internet for ideas. Just make a Lando movie with Donglover and give it to Favreau and Flioni

Sitting through hot garbage to be with the ones you love, that is truly the meaning of Christmas.

You watch the prequils and McDiarmid is the only one having fun other than Obi Wan. 

“How to kill a franchise with lens flare, or the Art of getting rich off weaponized nostalgia: the JJ Abrams Biography.”  And the cover of the book is him giving the camera “Jim face”  

If you go back to season 1, and compare how he first started portraying Amos to how he’s doing it now, the development is incredible. The character feels lived in, inhabited and fleshed out in a way that read in the novels but I was never sure would ever make it into the show.  

Bran the wheely deally legs no feely.

Holden’s looked like one of the more stretchy Northface shells Apex flex or whatever, Amos’s I couldn’t place but had a better hood. Murty’s team I couldn’t place at all. 

Complete and utter side question. Since this is on Amazon, and Amazon sells like everything under the sun. What are the odds of a Rocinante branded northface jacket like what Holden and Amos wear? Not over the top branded shitty t-shirts, but more “as seen on the Expanse” sort of thing.


Aliens go to a back woods planet, end up finding a happy small town paradise, bad guys with technology show up, improvised training montage with sticks happens, looks like it will be all for naught until the hero pulls a hail Mary and miraculously saves the day. I know it’s not just SG1 that leans on this trope though,

The recipe of space western/samurai film focusing on minor characters in the periphery of a larger conflict who are integral to the plot, seems to have gotten a bit muddied in the sequels. When the overarching conflict is the backdrop for a more personal struggle for growth, truth, freedom, justice etc the audience

What’re you doing, you can throw that out. Ming-Na Wen, a couple of mercs, add in some Carl Withers baby you got a stew goin. 

Would you like the helmet on, or off...

I always thought that the different colored bolts at least in space/ship combat, were based off of WWII tracer round colors. Allies - Red/orange tracer, Axis - white/green tracer. (strontium vs. barium).  So it was a carryover of a visual shorthand for good guy vs. bad guy from WWII movies & footage. 

The candy wrappers piece sounds like a Felix Gonzolez Torres candy piece. 198 pounds of candy is placed in a corner, and the audience is encouraged to take a piece. His work was made in the 80's/90's at the height of the AIDS epidemic, and the candy piece represents his boyfriend wasting away growing smaller and

Symmetrical Book Stacking at 0:44

Ned Ryerson! DING!