
It’s been laid out over the 6 episodes. The whole thing is about chaos and control, free will and determinism, making decisions you have to live with and exploring if the end justifies the means. Immortus-Kang needed two Lokis, agents of chaos and free will, to make the decision to either continue the timeline as is,

Marvel’s next big bad:

The family parts of Black Widow worked, the sibling fights, the awkward dad moments, the super spy mom worked. But yea, the meh espionage, the bad guy who will forever be Fitz from the Departed was scary but underdeveloped as a character and didn’t feel like “high ranking FSB agent/oligarch.” The third act... needed

Where on the spectrum from 8th MS to something like Iron Bloodied Orphans is the technology for these Gundam? Like on the range of “semi-realistic lumbering walking tank to “defies laws of nature, moves so fast you can’t see them because they’re powered by magic particles.” Or I guess Pacific Rim 1 or the sequel we

I like the concept that the TVA just sends sends all the pruned timelines to the big garbage dump at the end of time for some purple cloud to eat. It’s a very, “out of site out of mind” sort of solution where you just stab em with the glowy bit and poof they get sent to the timeline’s garbage disposal. And yes yes...

Google “right to repair and John Deere” Then imagine that same DRM in your Honda Civic not allowing you to put in aftermarket brake pads or only allowing you to use approved “in network” gas stations like a scaled up HP printer designed by a health insurance company. Or your smart refrigerator only ordering from

It would be nice to have a movie like “The Nice Guys” but set in the DC Universe... but yes, second best would be Legends.

Or, completely unrelated, cast Aubrey Plaza in an updated version of Murder She Wrote where she bumbles her way through an investigation for her murder podcast.

Only if his face is never revealed, and he’s voiced by Jeffrey Combs.... in a movie opposite Mary Elisabeth Winstead as Huntress and 90% of it is just the two of them on a stake out and doing detective stuff like an occasionally goofy neo-noir thriller about the nefarious true use of aglets. 

Staring Rosario Dawson as Asoka Tano
Scott Eastwood as Sherif John Darklighter
Directed by Takashi Miike

Is recognizing feelings in another version of yourself empathy or mindfulness?If they had a kid, would it be a clone? sibling? Secret backstory for time-displaced Hela? Is he going to have that Marty McFly moment where it feels like he’s making out with his sister?

Alien - corporate sends space truckers to deliver research package
Aliens - corporate sends extraction team to find lost package
Alien 3 - package diverted to Amazon fulfillment center, nearly destroyed
Alien Resurrection - corporate brings product to testing phase 
AVP - nope never happened
AVP2 - also just nope

Classic Loki asking for the finest wines available to humanity and cake

When they finally reboot the X-men into the MCU, Mojo would be an amazing way to introduce the mutants but he would have to be played by Kevin Feige.

I really just want the show that is presented in the opening credits. If they’d ease up on the staring at a screen parts and occasionally have some more of the detail/animators showing off like in the opening sequence... Think of older anime like Ghost in the Shell or Patlabor that would just have 2-3 minutes of

And Demolition Man

Miss Minutes is actually Mephisto, and so is Loki and so is Mobius. All three are actually Mephisto Variants and they are secretly the timekeepers. This is all an elaborate plot by the timekeepers to get their own timeline to play with, with blackjack and hookers.

Here’s hoping they don’t do that thing where the first season follows pretty closely to at least part of the book, is received pretty well because it tells a compelling and well thought out story, and then in the second season the producers freak out and try to jam the next two books together and ham fistedly cram in a

I’m actually hoping he looses the eye and goes full Last Action Hero.

Remember this moment in sports history!? Well it’s back in POG NFT form!”