

I hate it when I notice the long takes, I start looking for where they stitched it together. Oh they panned up to a green screen of the spaceship with no actors on camera so there’s a cut, reverse shot.. theres a cut, explosion.. cut.  

First thing...

It’s got a very X-files vibe with the monster of the week, the “evil is kinda goofy” tone, the skeptic vs believer and the subplot to nowhere. Leland is a smoking man analogue in this comparison and I agree it’d be best if he just occasionally popped up to instigate and have more episodes like the “lets do mushrooms

What was that 80's movie where people were rescued from plane accidents or natural disasters where they would have died and were then sent to the future to ensure that the human race survives? It was schlock, but had an interesting premise for getting around the whole time travel paradox thing.

1. Glados
2. “Boat”
3. “Sword”
4. rocket punch
5. Charlie Day

Once you’re comfortable ollieing up a curb, try a “pop shove it” and once you have that down, onwards towards Kickflip territory. Forward momentum will help with your ollie form and height, even if you’re rolling pretty slowly

If they do it right, the whole “plucky team of freedom fighters engages in a global war against (aliens, racists, racist robots, a xenophobic alien robot hivemind, another plucky team fighting for the same thing but they’re evil)“ might translate well into an X-Com turn-based-tactics type game. Just prepare for the

Can we talk about how appealing the 70's retro-futuristic aesthetic is?

I’d say even within each state, rural vs urban vs suburban environments should have different safety rules. Full size 18 wheel semi trucks are allowed to drive in the city of Boston, and regularly squish bike riders, pedestrians, smaller cars, posts etc. because the streets aren’t really built with them in mind but

Currently working at a University in the North-East of the United States and we have a mix of those orange Kubota RTV’s with doors, some weird electric trucks that look like they belong at the airport, and some of the club car ones. With snow removal, and even lower temps in the fall/spring, doors and a modest heater

The best route would be to have Keaton be retired future Batman along the lines of Batman Beyond and bring the calculating accomplished detective with plans within plans to the screen. Batfleck was fine and there were some decent fight scenes, but with Snyder going with the Frank Miller version we never did get a good

Soooooo. The Adams Family is getting the CW treatment but with Tim Burton. They could have just cast Christina Ricci as an adult Wednesday, given Remi Malick a Gomez mustache and a train set or a drone, cast the Rock as Remi’s Brother, Gwendoline Christie as their housekeeper that lives in the apartment above the

Abrams does a great job killing franchises that have dedicated fan bases by ignoring the years of world building, overarching tone and character development that those fan bases are invested in. He seems to be solely interested in spectacle (and a specific style of Abrams-monster) at the expense of anything resembling

I can hear this gif. 

*gets up and walks out of the room like

Just cast Lake Bell, she’s already nailed the voice acting for the character. Dye her hair red, paint her green, give her a nice jacket and have JB Smoove voiceover a CGI plant.

Now playing

JG: “I uhhhhh seduce the uh uh Bugbear. With my intoxicating voice.”
*rolls nat 20

We have seen abandoned separatist forces that think the clone wars never ended, it could be an interesting way to show why the empire shifted to conscripts. A platoon returning after having com issues and just never got the order and are all “we did what to the Jedi?” because they never got the tiny emperor order on