
*news announcer voice from the Clone Wars
10 years ago a specialized clone commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit. These clones promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Coruscant underground. Today, still wanted by the newly formed Galactic Empire, they

It looks... do you vaguely remember that movie Battle Los Angeles with the generic aliens and “US Army in an urban setting vibe.” It looks like that.  Planet sized plot holes, but enough explosions and stuff that it’ll be something to watch while you fold laundry and barely pay attention to it. 

Assorted musings:
You think they’ll bring back Jonah Hex for the cowboy episode?
Rory’s a grampa!
Pizza box twerking!
MIB tiny alien in a human sized robot!
Those aliens from that 80's tv show “V”, hopefully one will unhinge their jaw and eat a rat and they will keep the same 80's production values.
implied alien tentacle 

Seriously in that shot it looks like:

So we’re going to need a few items.
1. a big ass jar of either peanut butter or mayonnaise that has been left in the sun
2. a stolen police car
3. mushroom burgers
4. silly hats
5. one of those pink, military-grade smoke bombs
and finally everyone needs to look like, “Of course we’re doing the thing, why wouldn’t I be

Considering it’s Sam Rami I’m not surprised that it’s leaning into horror movie vibes. So, who do we think Bruce Campbell will be playing?

Comes with a free pack of Zener cards and a 9 volt battery to lick. 

Start by narrowing down the layout you’re into:
TKL or Extended or 75% (slightly different but very similar)
(there are also 60% which doesn’t have arrow keys, 40% which doesnt have numbers, and weirder things like the elongate which is like a 40% with a numpad)

Then work around your budget and wants/needs.

Start by narrowing down the layout you’re into:
TKL or Extended or 75% (slightly different but very similar)

I have a Drop Alt High profile for my daily driver with MKultra dampening foam and Holy Panda switches. Waiting on the MT3 2048 keycaps to ship so I’ll have a vintage mac looking board that sounds/feels the way I want. I’d recommend the Alt or Ctrl boards, simply as an entry or gateway drug to customizing your own.


I have a Drop Alt High profile for my daily driver with MKultra dampening foam and Holy Panda switches. Waiting on

I’m trying to like Debris, it has a very “tales from the loop” feel, but something feels missing. I can’t tell if the actors feel uncomfortable because their characters are supposed to be uncomfortable or if the pacing is just a little off, or if there just aren’t any real stakes or mysteries. The “who is this

Sam & Bucky aren’t really a part of any government agency, they’re just sort of doing their own thing since there’s no more Avengers, which also were just doing their own thing and not backed by a nationstate. The Dora Milaje are government representatives from Wakanda hunting the escaped murderer of their head of

I’m guessing there would be an outer tunnel that is a cylindrical bored hole, the oblong shape could be the interior cladding that hides the miles and miles of cable, magnets, access tunnel etc.. which would account for it being flat at the “bottom.

It’s not even that advanced. He invented a taxi stand. Busses and trains would be more efficient to move groups of... more than 4, oh wait the driver doesn’t count so more than 3 people at a time. Where are they getting 4,400 people an hr from? That would be 24 cars with 3 people each arriving every minute, driving

Maybe waffles?  I bet waffles would look good that color.  

That’s the thing, the PSLF program does not need to be complicated, it is complicated by design in order to make it as difficult as possible to qualify. Additionally the student loan processing companies like Navient and AES flat out lied to borrowers saying that they qualified. Just about anything you do resets the

There’s also a lot of wasted space in that tunnel, if we’re commuting from Florida to HK in a rocket sled on a frictionless plane like we’re in a high school physics textbook, you’d think they would want the power transfer to be relatively efficient and the amount of air you’re sucking out of the tunnel to be minimal.

Awe.. someone still thinks theres a middle class. Cute!
(replace Millennials with People under 40)

and that you have the right kind of loans and stand on your left foot while juggling oranges when you make your payments.

At the VERY least he needs to fix the PSLF program. That program was specifically created by the Obama administration to get training and education for people wanting to go into the public sector (non-profits, public defenders, arts workers etc..) without the burden of crushing student loan debt. Students were told if