
I somehow knew as soon as they broke the 4th wall and got pulled into a studio set that it wasn’t coming back. Lots of interesting ideas that could have been explored more. Old Knight will be missed, but I’m sort of happy I don’t have to go down a “Sliders-esque” exploration of the multiverse where OA gets to watch

I kept wondering why they got the guy from Jurassic World to moderate the debates.

Warren’s plan seems like the only one that would functionally work. But to be honest, just fixing the PSLF program (so that it actually does what it was intended) and pulling the loan processing back from companies looking to make a profit (Navient, AES, etc.. thanks Obama) capping interest rates, and expanding

Pizza delivery drivers are “employees” of the company and are thus entitled to the rights and protections of employees under federal law. Door Dash “dashers” are supposedly independent contractors entitling the company to provide them to little to no protections including what the article is describing as amounting to

This whole season, you’ve got Legion, time travel, and Xavier... I’ve been waiting for David to go back and “fix things” only to kill his dad on accident starting the whole AOA timeline.

Also I’m liking that Farouk is in the inbetween time with all of the Cheshire Cat monsters/Blue Meanies, you know that’s not going

A total missed opportunity for the Simpsons gag as well.

Ok, one... Dutch is way cooler than Kes would ever be.
Two, I completely forgot about gun arm lady in Killjoys.
Three, Chakotay could never be that fabulous.
Also random thought, if they would have abandoned the “Space war of the green goo” plot and just kept it “random sidequest/bounty of the week” it would have been a

Lower your shield and prepare to join the Borg party collective. We will add your biological and technological awesomeness to our own.
*doses everyone with molly and nanites*

Chakotay - Full Maori style face tatoo, smokes a pack a day, borderline alcoholic
7of9 - all borg want to assimilate people into a hippie party collective she rebels against it and is super into being a stuck up bureaucrat
Torres - only speaks Klingon, refuses to use the translator, still into Tom
Kim - gimp suit with

My favorite is the “large metal plate” solution where the plate has warped, or the road isn’t exactly flat and one corner sticks up like a knife for oncoming traffic. 

I’ll see “old lady” and raise “mother.” Like full Mike Pence, Mother.   

Kong: Skull Island was trying to be like 4 movies at once: A pulp adventure story for Loki and Capitan Marvel, a Vietnam War story??, a land of the lost only with John C. Riley instead of Will Ferrell, and a giant CGI monster fighting movie.

Destroy All Monsters Godzilla King of the Monsters was like 3 movies: a Giant

Ever since I was old enough to ride a BMX bike, I’ve imagined this. 

Every time they redesign Hondo it gets worse. 

1. Bollywood Dance number where everyone comes back looking like a zombie to sing about how they were killed/died. Including the dragons who have been replaced by Muppet versions of the dragons for absolutely no reason.

So is Linda Hamilton going to show up in the last episode and declare herself the one true Sarah Connor?

Also season 3 of Legion is coming soon.