
Failing upward is Jon’s superpower.
Exiled Bastard -> Nights Watch +1 magic sword
Captured by wildlings -> Ygritte
Stabbed to death -> King in the North (also not dead)
Battle of the Bastards -> not crushed to death +1 Lyanna Mormont
Ben D’Knee -> +1 Army +3 Dragons, sexytime with his aunt
Long night -> Secret Targarian,

Now playing

Well, they did say they were planning “spin-off shows.” I’ve also seen ideas for a Tormund and Ghost spin off that was presented like a buddy cop show.

Yup. The only reason we didn’t loose a bunch of main characters in the Long Night is because they have plot points to wrap up. Aka: Clegainebowl, the Jamie/Cersei/Pirateboi love triangle, Tyrian’s gota Tyrian and Varys needs to die in Westeros if only because he’s simultaneously a scheming social climber and the voice

Ballista had a range of around 4-500M. If the dragons were higher than that they’re good to go, and for the boats, the bolts would have bounced off like nerf darts or fell into the ocean unless they were right on top of each other or raining them down from above like artillery.

Maybe he’s just left handed?

Sam is essentially George RR Martin. He has to live through all of this so that he can tell the tale, or write it down in a book. Not sure why Tormund has to take his broken heart back north of the wall with Ghost. Maybe he’ll catch wind that Jamie made Brienne cry and go on a murder quest for the big woman. Gendry is

The remaining army in the north heads south towards the pirates who don’t have elephants. There’ll be another big donnybrook, within which Clegane-bowl will happen and they’ll use the scorpion ballista to take out at least one of the dragons.

Maybe in the next movie we can have her sit down with someone and dramatically play cards and discuss who’d win in a fight: Cavemen or Astronauts.

They could go the complete opposite direction, and make Mr. Polka-Dot, the Polka-Dot Man the main villain. On the squad acting like some goofy throw away character then PLOTTWIST, he’s the mastermind behind the whole thing! And everyone’s like “Really? The guy who’s been talking about hostess fruit pies and peeling

Yes. Artillery to the front that we will use all of... once, then a phalanx of unsullied, then moat of fire. All the pasty white dudes hide in the castle. But first a very pretty but tactically idiotic cavalry charge to show off how undefeatable the opponent is followed by a complete misunderstanding of how close air


This^!  I was almost screaming “Say Crypt one more time!” in hopes that someone would be all Oh yea, hiding in the graveyard is probably a bad idea. 

Tilly was nearly brought back from the land of comic relief with the whole “I just have to do it with my eyes closed.” and “Someone owes me a beer.” But she’s still right there on the border.

Exhibit A: The New 52 redesign.

Tormund - “Look we’re an Anarcho-syndicalist-commune”

I actually liked that the messiness felt more real and less like a “Quest.” The Monster sister bit felt a little rushed I think because Julia didn’t go all “Evil Julia .tm”  but with everything going on, (Margo’s exile, wandering the desert in search of magic axes while tripping on frog worried about her best friend

or KGBeast?  

The first shot should be of Emilia over Kit’s shoulder... then a reverse shot over Emilia’s shoulder. This should go on for 15 minutes back and forth in front of a green screen as they discuss inter-kingdom banking laws with regard to the Iron Bank and how capital is tied to the means of production during times of war.