
I was a fan of the Exar Kun arc in tales of the Jedi way back in 1995, but I was 15.  I’m sure it is tinted with nostalgia. 

*has spaceship with ranged weapons
“lets fly 3 feet off the ground like that Lenny Kravitz song when fighting someone with only a lasersword because roostertails are cool.”

Suspension of disbelief aside, I’m hoping they need to just get a thing out of the garbage deathstar and it ends up being a force-ghost encounter

Neeku: “Get Away from her you... BB unit!” *spins arms on powerloader

It felt like parts of a story arc that never really connected, and a whole lot of “here’s an event that will move the plot forward via exposition.” The Baba Yaga elevator, the sword (both times), flashbacks aplenty without much narrative framing, and an overlong setup to the realization that humans don’t like monsters

Clone? Force Ghost? Force Ghost inhabited Clone??

That article takes some pretty big leaps of faith.

it’s not exactly the most realistic of scenarios.

What are the odds that the grumpy engineer Tig will somehow nail the glowing time crystal box/angel suit to the tardigrade chamber allowing them to pop through time like a bunch of unhinged lunatics. They’ll at least have the opportunity to head back to 1945.

Discovery really does need to embrace the sidequest in a

To be Faaaaaaaair.”

Fourth best.

1. at the end, she’s more of a brain in a jar than discount data, they opened up her head for some reason... other than to show the audience that they couldn’t just turn her off and then back on again.

2. I seriously doubt they’re going the mycelial-clone-conversion-therapy route with the Dr. Although, they do seem to

IG-88: Kill one meatbag, and you’re a murdere-ah. Kill millions of meatbags, and you are a conquer-ah.... Kill em all, en you’re a god 

Came here for the politics, stayed for the Dead Milkmen.

I’ve worked for the past 10 years in Non-profit organizations only to be told that I don’t have the right kind of loans. They’ve reimbursed something like 0.3% of the applicants to the PSLF. Functionally it may as well not even exist.

From the follow up question it sounds like he wants PSLF to forgive eligible loans

Along the same lines as Chekhov’s gun, the “color isolate red” could be referred to as “Spielberg’s Red Coat.

Alternate titles to the season:

If they do 2, they’ll do a 3rd no matter how bad the second one was. If it ends up being bad, they’ll say they need a chance to finish the story and fix it. If it’s actually good, then they’ll do a 3rd because money. I really liked Edge of Tomorrow, but I don’t think they need to revisit that world again.