
So what I’m hearing is you want a Jett Reno/evil robot lady bottle episode sidequest that is basically a Star Trek version of that part in Apollo 13 where they have to put the square filter in the round hole, only the solution is to “reverse the polarity of the TPS conduits” followed by a folksy explanation of what

All of the other Magical people, like zombie mountain, the faceless men etc, seem to have things like limits to their abilities and a modicum of character development. Bran is what you get if you cross Professor Xavier with John Oliver. I have no idea where they’re going with the whole Three Eyed Raven thing. 

Yes, I’m hoping by “tone” they mean Space Western by way of gritty samurai films. Which, to be honest they should have just stuck with from the get-go.

I really want some interesting closure to Oliver’s arc, some sort of Amy/Lenny hybrid conclusion, a Carry/Kerry resolution, and for Ptonomy to be more than a mcguffin in the machine.

That’s a lot for one season, but I’d be happy with that even if Farouk & David & Syd don’t settle things in some sort of dance battle in

Star Trek Discovery - STD, DISCO
Enterprise - episodes of Quantum Leap that we just don’t talk about
Star Trek Voyager - Vger, Tuvix, that show with 7of9
Deep Space 9 - DS9 
Star Trek The Next Generation - TNG
Star Trek - TOS

They are going to need to do an A-team/B-team episode soon where you have Pike/Burnham/Saru/Stamets/and a redshirt off on some space-hippie away mission shenanigans while Tilly/redhead with 7of9 eyebrow/robotgirl/Owosekun/Reno try to fix the ship with quantum duct tape, a tachyon pulse emitter, and andorian bailing

*we see you proto-Geordi working in the teleporter room

Actually enjoyed this episode beyond the hate-watch crazypants trainwreck enjoyment I got out of season one. The only moment I rolled my eyes was Pike saying “Hit it.” and doing the “Engage” finger gun. All in all, a good start to season 2. Chances are we’ll see Sybok going through his vulcan hippie phase in one of

No, I think it’d be that thing where two waves collide. It would just amplify everything. Wall street would trade coke for meth and bath salts, civil asset forfeiture would mean the cops would stop and frisk and then pocket what you had on you. The ACE lines would constantly be delayed due to alligators on the

What about Werner Herzog as Emperor? Read this in his voice.

Brontis Jodorowsky I think would be a great nod to what could have been and would make a great Leto or probably a better Gurney Halleck. But we really need some serious over the top ideas for Emperor of the Galaxy. 

“Montgomery Scott blended whiskey, for when you can’t take much more of this Captain.”

Stance... stance. stance. stance. stance.... stance. stance. stance. stance.... stance stance stance EVERYBODYSTANCENOW! dudutdutdat dat dat dunatdundah da da na da dunadada.  

Fifteen people in a coma-ward who can only experience the world as a collective mind that functions as one entity, presumably by taking over the body of another. So instead of within one=many, out of many=one.  Riffing on the collective consciousness of the Beast, but existing without form. 

Pain” is a survival mechanism. It’s a direct feedback that you are beyond your safety thresholds. “That’s too hot and is causing you damage, remember these circumstances and try not to do that again.” And it is transmitted in a way that does not need to travel all the way from your burning toes to your brain and back

I think they may have messed up when they combined the comic relief with his hero’s journey. By the end of the second movie he’s still “the fool” fawning over the other two, and in spite of his background as a child soldier is portrayed as inept and clueless when it comes to anything other than spouting exposition

Well if he’s a clone wouldn’t his name then be Shuuuuuuuve Palpatuune?  

Along those lines, what do you imagine Neil Gaiman is up to these days. 

So Philip Marlowe, Buster Keaton, and a cowboy/native american/western actor vs. a rich vampire socialite with legs for days who is secretly bankrolling occult films with the help of a Bruja/madame and a demon possessed mob boss that was brought into the world because of a botched ritual by Jack Parsons while founding