
It sounds like a lot of the negative reactions are due to the way both the book and (I’m guessing) movie use intertextual weaponized nostalgia to develop interest in what is otherwise a meh plot/characters/storyline. The book basically mainlines frozen 80's concentrate in order to pave over the story’s significant

An endless sea of blood and pouches with nary a foot to be seen.

Every now and again, I’ll do the Kennith thing of imagining everyone as a muppet.

So an outward bound/outer rim space series could take things off the beat and path. With Thrawn and Ezra off the board you’d have some room to breathe, it wouldn’t have to be an Ahsoka and Sabine based story either. Shenanigans in Chiss space & some phantom fleet causing a ruckus(clearly Thrawn would pull something

Maybe Jacen will grow into his Lekku?

I feel like in the past the X-Files would have placed the AI shenanigans more in the periphery of a larger or more personal story to slowly boil to the surface with creeping menace. For example the smashed drone would’ve been recovered while no-one was looking and at least at the beginning it would have been more

Only the best.

The entirety of the Temple set seemed cribbed from Close Encounters. I was waiting for them to start playing an 80's synth at the temple to get it to open, or Ezra to say something like “try sculpture next time” as he explained how he knew how to get down to the cliff face. It’s channeling peak Spielberg.

So I’m not the only one who wants a Bucky & Sam buddy cop movie right? Like lethal weapon only they have to save Captain America from something, but the sexual undertones are that they’re competing to be Steve’s bestie.

Funny thing is, just a few years ago in the previous administration (I think 2013, but could be wrong) there was a successful push to open up the SNAP program so that it could be used at farmers markets as a way to simultaneously provide healthy local foods to Americans in need and to allow those funds to flow

Since they figured out how to send things the wrong way through the portal in the last movie, you’d think some sort of space based “rod from god” type platform would work. Code each tungsten rod with a chunk of kaiju DNA so that the portal excepts it and fire one down the pipe anytime a portal opens. Not nearly as

I’m guessing that they’re taking the Voltron “And I’ll form the legs!” and applying it to the Kaiju. 5 mini lion kaiju come together and form one mega-lion-kaiju.

There is a significant amount of money being made by the gun industry, backed up by the NRA being one of the largest lobbying groups on the hill. Registration, background checks, being more stringent on what disqualifies a person (domestic violence, no fly lists, mental health flags, age etc..) are great and would

Wait, so the US already has 1 gun for every person? Damn.

Fingers crossed that in season 2 we get more “omniscient space cloud” type weirdness that holds a mirror up to the world, some away missions that have almost nothing to do with the main multi-episode plot, and at least one episode that is basically (insert favorite submarine movie here) but in space. And I will say,