
When Burnham is giving the speech to the bridge crew and everyone stood up, I kept thinking, “who’s that guy? have we met this dude before? has the redhead said anything in a few episodes?” I really had hoped for a side quest episode where we follow one of the other bridge crew around and they’re completely oblivious

I’m guessing that in this context “reboot” means “without New Zealand accents” and closer to “like that show Being Human only funny.”

Given the propensity to loose officers because they’re from the mirror universe, secret Klingons, or killed off by said doppelgängers, it shouldn’t be too long before she’s promoted. And if we don’t get some sort of a side quest episode, I think I’m going to burn out on the main storyline of war crimes and multiverse

I loved the ending where Skinner asked where Reggie was going.

Well, they have killed off: 2 captains, a chief security officer, and their chief medical officer in the first season. So if they keep going the story is going to be about ensign whatshisface running from the Klingons in a stolen shuttlecraft. Which I would definitely watch at this point. Call it Star Trek:

There are so many. The Burt Reynolds as god episode, the bottle episode with the green crap that comes out of the really old trees, All Things where Dana basically just walks around the whole episode listening to trip-hop and talking to Buddhists and hallucinating. The OCD vampires, spooning frozen orange juice

This, I clicked on the article expecting some discussion of the 2min to midnight madness.

No, the band name is Holdo Maneuver, their first EP is called “Suicidal Lightspeed Ram” which is basically a thrash metal version of Gustav Holst’s the Planets with piano accompaniment. Their cover of “Mars” is literally the best thing get dressed in the morning to, ever.

But as “agents Ripley & Hicks or something

If you can’t figure out how to set the time, just unplug it at noon. It will flash the correct time. Also don’t tape over anything good, use one of those workout videos.

was really hoping her sword would look like the Green Destiny from Crouching Tiger, but yea “curving the throwing star” was a bit much. Also her throne looks like she won the World Series, which I guess she did.

I’m waiting for the bottle episode/sidequest/introduce a backstory to a severely underdeveloped character episode. (you know it’s in the pipe) Where they follow around some rando ensign on their day as all this main plot stuff happens around them.

I keep thinking of the report they’re going to have to submit when they get back. “So... um. While you guys were all fighting the war with the Klingons that I sort of started we kinda sorta had two different Manchurian candidates on what is basically a classified ship, which may or may not be actively destroying all

So the Borg, only Epicurean? “I am Andrew W.K. of the Borg, we invite you to the best damn party in the galaxy. Your individual awesomeness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.”

Doesn’t France have an entire branch of their government whose job it is to make up French words in order to combat the Anglification of the language? Like someone had to come up with French words for “computer” and “texting” and I’m guessing things like “emoji” and “machine learning” and “deep web” and things like

Have the mentioned Lorca’s sensitivity to light since the first episode? Do we even know any of the other bridge crew’s names yet? Aka robot lady and the redhead with the seven of nine eyebrow? And what does Killy have to do to get a promotion, raise a guy from the dead? Also, during the Voq fight I kept saying “stop

You’re not missing anything. She’s not fasting, she’s drinking a stick of butter for breakfast and wondering why she’s still hungry at noon. She’s likely not entering ketosis from the intermittent fasting to burn fat. Here’s a guide to Intermittent fasting that goes into more detail.

They could just pass these out before each press briefing. Winning reporter yells BINGO! and gets a free hat.

I was sort of expecting them to call back to the Cyberpunk episode “Kill Switch” where the cyber goth/punk lady uploaded her consciousness to a laser satellite. It would have been nice for Kristin Lehman’s face to pop up on Mulder’s phone at the end instead of the assassin guy.