
Or Cabin in the Woods

The best parts were literally rocket punch and form blazing sword. I’m ok that the characters were basically “honor-bound distraught asian woman” “America Americaman who lost his brother tragically” “Stacker Pentecost canceling the apocalypse” “Australia begrudgingly stops being an ass” and “Charley Kelly is a

I read that as Both Astro and Rosy will be poorly rendered 90's CGI.

Am I the only one who expected a million gifs of “Hello There”

My guess is “unstuck in time” all Kurt Vonnegut like, (see calling Tilly “Capitan” earlier) and there’ll be some sort of incident with the yet to be revealed but totally Michelle Yeoh as Emperor.

That and it’s funny to imagine all of the main characters crawling through a Jeffries tube to staying alive, or just sort of bobbing at their stations on the bridge to Funky Town. Plus there’s t-shirts.

I think they’ll figure it out pretty much immediately on the Discovery, but since Actually a Klingon Tyler is on another Mirror Universe ship with Michael who just murdered her way into the Capitan’s chair, and “Killy” is pretending to be psycho Mirror Capitan of the Mirror Discovery it may be difficult to get a

In true “federation of worlds” fashion, I think they should accept mirror universe Culber and the actually a Klingon Tyler into the crew and just not tell anyone in the official report once they get back. That being said, “Killy” is going to eventually revel in being a badass Capitan and take it too far somehow, and


Are they still giving his sleeve a nicotine addiction?

Only if there’s a training scene with the band from Jabba’s palace playing push it to the limit on a space oboe.

So Batman will Batman the Batmen and it will be so Batman.

Now playing

Forward to 2:00 if it doesn’t automatically...

All I remember of Kalibak is cartoon where Lobo joins the Justice League and throws cars at him until he says uncle.

The maneuver you’re referencing has been coined “shoaling” by BSNYC. Where other bikers will drift further into the intersection in front of you at a light, gradually building a shoal of jack holes (also known as “Freds” or “Dentists”) in the cross walk that you then have to work your way through the wall of cyclists

A film crew goes to Hawaii and forgets to bring the writers along.

Go to the grocery store, and buy your hungry man dinner and 3 sort of green bananas using the self scan lane. Or maybe one of these things from the 70's

It’s better than 90% of Enterprise and the time war. I think it will find it’s stride eventually, it could use an “engineers angrily cobble together something that probably shouldn’t work out of spare parts and alien garbage to save the day episode” and it would be nice to see the Andorians being blue pains in the ass