
I really wanted a spin off of POI that was just Shaw, Bear and the Machine.

If you say “I see a little silhouetteo of a man,” Siri turns into a sad robot version of Freddy Mercury.

But... Kevin Conroy can’t just supply the voice for whatever actor they find for the role can they? Like could they do Andy Serkis in a mo-cap suit and Kevin Conroy as the voice?

“Mariachi band plays sounds of silence.”

She needs a t-shirt tie I think, but they nailed the late night mid 90's cable channel/ b-grade MTV knock off. If I call the number in the next 30 minutes I better get a free sham wow.

The Athleisure/healthgoth uniforms are sort of meh, but I can see they are following a progression from other Star Trek Uniforms. Hoping there is still a formal uniform that makes it look like they should be on a military submarine. I have no idea what is going on with the Klingons though.

Well, some of them do. Bernie, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren... I think it’s more about messaging and the widening divide between how certain people and policies are portrayed by the news media. For instance depending on which news you consume Net Neutrality is either “a plot to turn the internet into basic cable

Shouldn’t this also have some chorizo in it? Every time I’ve had paella it’s had pork of some kind in addition to the seafood.

Hot take inbound:

Jim Kelly as Iron Fist

Well they’re not going to apologize and admit they don’t have a case, at least until it is thrown out of court for them not really having a leg to stand on. Wait wasn’t there a whole Silicon Valley episode about this?

$10 that there will be a version of this in the film, only during a fight scene and the reaction will be less “hype man” and more “your mother just used your full name.”

“Dynamite with a lazerbeam, guaranteed to blow your mind.”

Yes I wasn’t sure how exactly to phonetically write that. The hyphens don’t really break it up, sometimes it’s two syllables sometimes three.

Terre Haute (TeriHoat) Indiana, Notre Dame (Noter-Dame) Indiana, Pierre (Pier) South Dakota, Pompeii (pom-pay-eye) MI. French trappers sort of screwed with Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois pronunciation. Those from Indiana also have a propensity to drop “to be” verbs in sentences. Eg. “That needs done.” vs. “That

No. Not really. There’s a generic “deadly space laser” pointed at Earth/Unicron to suck out it’s life to jumpstart Cybertron, but no Vortex. There are 2-3 parts where Anthony Hopkins looks into the camera and is unintentionally mildly frightening as only Hopkins can be.

This, increased serialization helps in a franchise with this much cannon. Again, not everything has to be “Vincent and the Doctor,” “The Doctors Wife” or “Heaven’s Sent” but the whole Monks thing was incredibly forgettable.