
I think AOS is due for a single character arch episode. Pick one, Daisy, Fitzsimmons, Mac or May. We watch the events unfold solely from their perspective while diving into their personality more. Although we’ve had quite a bit of that with Daisy already. Maybe Fitzsimmons goes on an action/science side mission

The villain goes to see Beauty and the Beast, Hugh plays Gaston.... pees himself when Deadpool shows up.

Chrisjen is close, she needs to swear a hell of a lot more and be more comfortable in her skin. I’m sure by the time her and Bobbie meet up they’ll both be the fleshed out badasses that were in our heads. I wasn’t sold on Holden until the season finale of season 1, and I pictured Naomi to be taller because of being a

I played “logically fallacy bingo” during the debates. Maybe it’s time to break out the cards whenever he’s speaking.

whatever happened to those “I watched the train wreck that is Gotham so you don’t have to” reviews. Those were always slightly more entertaining than actually watching the show.

I vaguely remember Giant robotic ants and elephant cows? That can’t be right...

We’re going to skip the whole “Messiah Complex” timey wimey X-men shenanigans with “Hope Summers” because between the I’m my own grandpa insanity of Cable and Bishop’s storyline it makes my head hurt.

Now playing

I’m going to have to go with middling at best. I’m not sure that most people would even know that Robocop’s name is Murphy.

As long as they don’t bring back the “I never thought a ship could be a Mary Sue” Sun Crusher.

With mechanization and automation in manufacturing becoming the norm, factory work is declining world wide. Even with multinationals returning stateside to open new plants, the jobs that will be created will not predominately be unskilled labor. With the shift away from coal, there is an opportunity to create jobs by

Guns & Bacon & a Hobsian financial system meant to extract every dollar out of every citizen with little to nothing in return?

They wrote certain supporting characters incredibly well. Best take on Harley Quin since maybe the animated series. There is a great exchange between her and Black Canary, and she renames the green arrow’s place. Constantine was written well, Alfred gets to briefly beat the tar out of Superman, and it blurs the good v

So that’s a no to Luke being a goofy space wizard/Gandalf? Because I’d like to see Rey & Luke go on a convoluted side mission out of a sword and sorcery playbook. Noble space pirate adventures with Ray, Luke & Chewbacca that vaguely advance the storyline while the Fin & Poe Bromance heats up in the trenches during the

The man in Trump Tower.

The neck part of the mask looked a little off sometimes... and his castle (because of course he has a freaking castle) was absurdly over the top but the last 2-3 minutes made up for it by far.

I felt like the Uncanny Valley somehow worked in Tarkin’s favor, some sort of added menace through being ever so slightly off putting in the lizard brain, but worked against Leia for the exact same reason.

Seems right to me.

Could have just gone full “Solid Gold”