
Lo, the coming of the orange one who rules with a tiny fist shall be preceded by the following signs. The death of a Prince, a Man Who Fell to Earth, a pugilist of the century, an architect obsessed with fish, a Phife, and a Snape.  And the Ursus minor(s) shall ascending to victory after 108 years of abject failure.

Armageddon, The Wedding Singer, Rush Hour, Bullworth, Blade, and Antz?Those are quality “movies to have on in the background while you’re folding laundry and not paying attention on a Sunday afternoon.”

We all know what’s coming...

Jeff Bridges should really be taking money from Pendleton at this point between the Lebowski Sweater, the pack blanket at 1:56 in the Hell or High water trailer maybe he just works it into every script from now on.

And the dances they do will be daring and new. Turn turn kick turn, turn turn kick turn, one two three kick turn! Keep it sassy, keep it classy, keep it gay.

So, you DIDN’T like the 2 hr long Mercedes/Coke commercial with dinosaurs? Even when it meta poked fun at being a 2 hour long Mercedes/Coke commercial with dinosaurs? How about when it gave subtle wink & nod that CGI hasn’t gotten any better since 1993 by having the GMO tostitdodon murder littlefoot’s mom?

“Horn of Angry”


And Batman Batman.

John Stewart/Bill Murray?

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Protecting digital civil liberties, privacy, rights and freedoms as they relate to the advancement of technology. Considering the people who will be in control of the most draconian surveillance system the world has ever seen come January they should be on this list as well.

At the very least, a news reporter saying “Meanwhile in the Louisiana Swamplands!” or someone using the Star Wipe noise as a text alert.

Yes, I always thought the big plot hole was superman not going, “Here, you stab the spacemonster with this thing, because batman’s way over there, and it’s giving me super-cancer.”

Giant sentient spider-tanks and wasp-butt helicopters are as much a necessity as “therm-optic” camouflage, Batou’s eyes getting hacked, and gory robot arm mutilation. The Tachikomas better be the real heroes of this movie.

They should just botox the hell out of Michael Pitt so he can’t move his mouth, and then have him read his lines for Kuze in voice over in post.

Sharks I’ll make ya JUMP JUMP.. Make ya wanna JUMP JUMP

Behold the “umami power ring” Instilling in the wearer the power of pleasant savory mouth feel. Witness the Umami Power ring create the perfect bowl of beef broth pho.