
I picked up my first book of his, A Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat, almost by coincidence when I started college and his writings have been a source of wonder and inspiration ever since. What a gifted author, what a brilliant thinker, what a compassionate person, what a life well lived.

Don't even mention Sir David.


Yes. No.

Or, you can just check each Islamic nation's Imam's view on most issues. Here's a protip from somebody who grew up in a country where overwhelmingly the majority is muslim: they're not made of tolerance. From where I'm from, they could barely stand the fact that Shiahs exists (it's Suni or GTFO, basically), let alone

As a foreigner, I thought these things are just the kind of things Americans like/aspire to be.

Make it Matthew *Goode* and Idris Elba kissing and I'm so down for it

Makes sense because the way you write panda in kanji is by writing 'bear' and 'cat'.
Also, the first time the Chinese government allowed a panda to be brought (and seen for the first time) overseas was when they gave one to the Japanese government when they first established a diplomatic relationship, and nobody here

There are a lot of criticisms you can aim at this (starting with the general public have shit taste in everything) and you'd be right, but plagiarism is not one of them.

As an active member of the fanfiction community, I damn wish we're still keeping the fourth damn wall sturdy

*currently marathoning TGW*

This is where I am right now.

Hey, did you ever remembered what the Romanian film is called? I feel like I should know and I can't get it out of my head…

…that was a Community quote

Oh that was? 10 year old me was misinformed then. I always thought they were Simon's, and that's why they recycled Flying Without Wings for that one season of American Idol.

How to Get Away was the first time I ever watch her show, but isn't increasingly implausible plot holes and twist a feature, not a bug by now?

Meh, this happens in every F grade rating, because people like to gawk. It's not like people are actively targeting this show.

with the "constantly deteriorating" part, I'm inclined to think they are joking.

Yass. Irish boybands. Boyzone, Westlife.

*This* is the show my friends are going "you like The Good Wife! You must watch this, too!" about? You have got to be kidding me.