
I'm pretty sure it was the hair.

Sounds a little like The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse

I don't remember the quote exactly (I'm sure it's out there still somewhere) but to paraphrase: "You know Bernie Sanders is a #Jew and a #Communist, right? Or does that make me an anti-Semite"

Me too. Which after finding out Chuck Whollery was a raging Anti-Semite yesterday, would have just been too much for me.

Axe Murderer is one of my Guilty Pleasures. I can do without most of Myers' mugging in that one but there are enough weird little bits and side character moments that make up for it.


My guess is Crimson Tide. It was a big time summer movie with big stars, a bunch of smaller roles that could be shot in a couple days and it came out the year before Sleepers.

I actually watched this just before i read this recommendation. I didn't think it broke the mold TOO much, but it does zig when you think it'll zag from time to time and, certainly, Isabella Hamster is winning.

And John C Reilly can pick up the stragglers

No love for The River Wild? Meryl Streep's (I think) only attempt at being an action star? I mean, it's not a great movie or anything, but, it's unique in some respects.