
Was anyone else begging them to secure the utterly priceless medicine while they were getting frisky on the table?

When do we see Geillis return?

Spousal rape wasn’t criminalized in the US until the 1970s and wasn’t criminalized in all states until 1993. And in some states since then it has been considered something of a lesser crime, though I don’t know what the status is today.

Trump raped his wife (“allegedly”) in 1988, but New York made marital rape a crime all the way back in 1984. At that time, 22 other states still allowed the practice.

I think Ivana backed off the charges once the spirit moved her.....to a bigger house

Didn’t Trump admit to raping an ex-wife in a divorce deposition via that canard?

Given Scientology’s history, I wouldn’t be surprised if they infiltrated the LAPD.

The tell for SHS is when she prefaces her response to a question with “Look”. It means she is responding with a prepared lie.

dammit take your star

Easy, like this:

God, thank you. People give Trump way too much credit when they assume the stupid shit he says is “meant to be a distraction.” He says stupid things because he is a stupid person.

We have plenty to criticize that doesn’t go after her looks. Be better.

I hate posts like this man just because we’re laughing at Tang faces stupid tweets doesn’t mean we’re not monitoring whats going on with Net Neutrality. Unlike baby hands most of us are smart enough to reasonably pay attention to multiple things.

Colin Kaepernick would make both Trump’s head explode and his followers go apocalyptic. Can you imagine Fox News the next day? Best reality TV ever.

Oh, I saw it. Waiting with bated breath.

He could have been a two time winner, just like Joseph Stalin.

I can (and have been) talking about both. It’s called not having a one track mind.

As for Flynn, this was an inevitable step and there’s really not a ton to talk about. The only interesting aspect to this is Maddow has been working hard to find out whose legals bills were being paid by whom, and the day after Ty Cobb

Who cares what you’d rather she do?