
Hey, Tuvok got it on with his faux wife in Voyager’s holodeck. (But that was for “medical” reasons.)

Seriously. I have friends who aren’t Christian, weren’t raised Christian and throw around “Jesus Christ!” more than Christians do.

I take issue with you referring to Bajorans as “backwards” when they were exploring the galaxy thousands of years before humans.

“- And I guess that we have changed the names of the days of the week to reflect that no one believes in the Norse gods now. Language doesn’t work that way.”

Is the myeclial network DSC’s way of explaining dark matter?

I have some issues with a tardigrade supposedly exploring the galaxy at speeds unknown to humans BEFORE humans. Or is DSC trying to tell us that tardigrades didn’t orginate on Earth? So confusing...

What the hell is that? An asspunch? Ha ha ha ha ha.

And there’s still a change they’ll indiscriminately start killing bridge officers to get those junior officers onto the bridge. ;)

Yeah, I definitely want a standalone episode about the dude on the bridge wearing a helmet.

This show is making me question if Tardigrade’s are originally from Earth.

Rose McGowan should direct it.

Not just that, but while some might interpret that statement as bold, others will scrutinize it more carefully and read “we’re done talking about this now” message embedded into it.

The real problem is: this behavior is not limited or exclusive to Hollywood. It’s everywhere, in every industry across every nation on the planet.

The same D.A.’s office who backed off investigating Jared & Ivanka Trump for their shady real estate dealings when there was/is plain evidence they broke the law.

Actually, the dissonance is astounding. How no one is looking at Trump (or has looked at Trump) through the same lens through which we are looking at Weinstein is astounding.

I think the issue of the agency that banned Love is at the crux of how he was able to continue with his outrageous conduct, no?

I still haven’t watched the last season of Dexter and I seriously don’t give a shit how it ended. That’s how bad that show got.

Nonsense. I don’t work in Hollywood and I’ve been on the unfortunate end of many a psychopathic, screaming manager.

The Lily Tomlin freakout scene was better than anything in that movie.

It’s still fucking disgusting.