You're really desperate to find something to complain about, aren't you?
You're really desperate to find something to complain about, aren't you?
Tina Fey’s response to said racial insensitivity accusations, in a note to the network asking them to pull the episodes in question: “I understand now that ‘intent’ is not a free pass for white people to use these images. I apologize for pain they have caused. Going forward, no comedy-loving kid needs to stumble on…
If you’re going to criticize the things a person said, it’s fairer to actually include what they said, not to make up a thing they “basically said” that includes the words “white power.”
“basically saying”
Looking forward to the usual suspects pissing their pants here about a benign joke Tina made a decade ago being insufficiently deferent to their political views.
It’s crazy how willing people like you are to lie about things/people to support your bizarre world view.
I’m finally getting around to a playthrough of Resident Evil 4 Remake. I was a bit apprehensive after trying the Chainsaw Demo last year and getting my ass kicked over and over again, but I made it through the Village just fine (OK, after a few tries) in the full release, so either they ramped down the difficulty a…
Honestly, except for Jill, Kupka and the sexy evil lady who turned into Garuda. Most of the cast is really good just not given enough time to be fleshed out. Deon, Joshua and Cid are excellent and IMO Clive is a top 5 FF protag.
Even dumber given that there are multiple pieces on Daily Beast about the show, both praising and criticizing it.
Major Cunt, reporting for business, sir.
Let me remind you guys that we live in a dystopian plutocracy. Big Tech really, REALLY wants “A.I.’s” plagiarism tech to go through at the mass expense of the workers and the creators - all for the idea of convenience and especially at the convenience of the business-executive class.
i am genuinely excited for ‘Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League: All Cutscenes 4K’ on youtube.
Pssh, if that girl wants to look like someone who’s had a lifetime of testosterone influencing
Lots of relatively benign, somewhat crunchy, nominally centrist types took hard right turns during the pandemic. It broke a bunch of brains.
Every screenshot of Aaron Rodgers on Zoom looks like he just got kicked out of the methadone clinic for smoking ivermectin.
Former journalist here.
so typical to gatekeep once you’ve walked through the door; suddenly transitioning is a problem to Dave only now that he identifies as a rich white man.
well your name lines up anyway.
While I appreciate what Tears of the Kingdom did right, it frustrates me that Nintendo can release a game that’s so low effort in so many ways and people will praise the hell out of it. The new systems are fun, yes, but pretty much everything else about the game is as safe as possible.
I worked in the office next to his right after 300 and he is super nice.