Just demonstrating that it's a known term in circulation for multiple years. And that it identifies an extremely real that that even I, a queer communist, have experienced by spending more then ten minutes on Twitter.
Just demonstrating that it's a known term in circulation for multiple years. And that it identifies an extremely real that that even I, a queer communist, have experienced by spending more then ten minutes on Twitter.
This is Iron Bull slander and I will not stand for it.
Will literally never get over the fact that, if you’re attracted to men in this cyberpunk game, your options are either fucking a cop or fucking a racist 80 year old twink.
No, I’m assuming you’re an ally who is parroting a viewpoint that is ultimately harmful unintentionally - because if you understand that your 4 year old friend’s brothers experiences as a queer person were distinct and not wholly rotating around sex, then you understand that reducing any conversation around queerness…
This is fucking “I’ve taken basic biology, so I know there are only two genders” level of discourse right here. Yeah, honey, the dictionary definition of homosexuality says one thing. Congratulations, you have learned the absolute bare minimum. Now do the part where you learn more - like the fact that life as a…
You just told a queer person directly that my identity as a queer person can be boiled down to who I want to bang - after I said straight-out that it is way, way more complicated than that. I mean, setting aside the fifty years of queer academic theory that you’ve clearly never even sniffed, it’s a wild kind of…
The original show was, sure. And then they kept making different shows with different vibes and objectives. I’m talking about a specific one made forty years after the one you’re talking about.
Christ, the homophobia.
As for her being meaner, it’s mostly a way to give her some space and utility removed from the rest of the gang. A cast of five well-meaning doofs is just a little less versatile than four well-meaning doofs and their suspicious, acerbic smart friend.
I can’t believe I have to tell you this in the year of our lord 2023, but sexuality is a more complicated experiential spectrum than “who you like to bang.” And framing it as such feeds into the conservative talking point that all queer identity is inherently sexual and thus should be excluded from all media aimed at…
Me: “Man, I hate this current trend in anime and video games. I feel like it’s a downgrade from the more than twenty years of the same media I’ve consumed previously.”
You: “I can’t believe you just admitted to hating Asian people.” 🤡🤡🤡🤡
LOL. “My tastes aren’t shitty and generic, you’re just racist.” Can’t make this shit up.
FFXIII at least has a middle-aged dad and a child. (No idea what age Hope is actually supposed to be, but he reads as pretty young to me. 13-14ish?)
FFXII and FFVIII are good examples though. Both of those games have D-tier casts with D-tier designs. Fucking nobody likes Vaan or Pinello or Zell or Irvine. FFXII is…
An anime fan saying this to someone else is so wild. Just admit that you like your weird, personality-less baby women designs and go in peace.
Not one character in this game looks like an actual adult. Precious Memories porcelain figurine-looking ass designs.
Every Final Fantasy (all with wildly diverse casts that actually pass the sillhoute test - old people, monsters, a weird rat lady, you name it), Dragon Quest VIII and XI (Yangus is at least unique in VIII, and XI has aforementioned grandpa and gay clown), Legend of Dragoon (at least has Haschel and Kongol), every…
Hot dad ahoy.
Honestly, if someone could just make a Mystery Incorporated edit where Velma is noticeably darker, you’d already have a basically perfected version of this - you want meaner, bisexual Velma? That show had meaner bisexual Velma.
((Except for Mystery Incorporated.))