I sure did portmanteau those, my bad! I was referring to Dedicated.
I sure did portmanteau those, my bad! I was referring to Dedicated.
I dunno y’all, I’ll stan Carly Rae Jepsen until the heat death of the universe but The Loneliest Time felt like a pretty weak retread of Devotion.
IDontCare420 seems to care a lot.
It’s the sequal to a gentle, extremely bisexual indie title that is prominently about feelings. If there were any reactionaries with this take (which I haven’t seen), it’s basically impossible for them to claim they even played the first game.
I’m a pretty solid five, and I would still gladly be the third in a Nyx/Hades throuple. Or, I guess, the fourth - since my canon is and always has been that Nyx/Hades/Persephone are a threeway couple already.
Are you male-attracted at all? I’m finding it hard to believe that there’s not -some- dude in here for anyone who is. Daddy types like Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. More clean-cut types like Ares. Pretty anime boys like Dionysus and Thanatos, etc.
One of my favorite things about Hades was how . . . gentle it was? With its storytelling. Most everyone is just doing their best. The big bad was just an emotionally disconnected dad, grieving his wife, and makin the choices he thinks are correct - even if they’re damaging.
I hope the second game keeps up that trend -…
Wow, I suddenly feel even better about installing Yuzu over the weekend.
I’m still not sure what exactly constitutes “folk” horror.
You know, I had a long convo with a friend last year because we both played this game around the same time, where I was saying that I bounced because I felt this weird streak of conservative back-patting throughout. Like, the crazy rightwing conspiracy theorist is presented as mockable, but he’s also 100% correct in…
God, I love/miss AV club commenter gimmick accounts. You’re doing the lord’s work, fine gerbil Sir.
I don’t actually believe that anyone on earth “earns” a 20 million dollar yacht, but that’s just me. But that’s not a specific critique on Cameron - more just, if you’ve been impossibly wealthy for four decades, don’t say you have “blue-collar sensibilities” because you haven’t been blue collar for longer than most of…
This is Ke Huy Quan erasure and I will not stand for it.
I’ve commented about 880ish times in 8 years, and most of them were about David Harbour, thank you.
My go-to answer is Dolly Parton. Born to extreme poverty, now worth more than 600 million, and spends a huge portion of it helping folks from similar circumstances.
I actually do have a rabid anti-Avatar agenda, and I actually will die when it financially succeeds. This post is insensitive to people like me. Do better.
I just think after the point where you own a twenty million dollar yacht and a fleet of submarines that you no longer get to speculate on what blue-collar sensibilities are like, and you certainly don’t get to place yourself in that wheelhouse.
I truly do hope the movie is good for all of those that are excited for it, but I would very much like if the man who is closer to a billionaire than he is farther away from it would get sprayed with a water bottle like a ornery cat the next time he tries to describe any aspect of himself as “blue collar”.
I truly didn’t know that The Breakers even actually came out this year. I thought it just kinda got shelved or pushed back to 2023. Looking at gameplay footage, yeah: fun idea, but it looks straight up like a fan game that someone made using Xenoverse assets.
“Help Jake Sully, it seems I’ve trapped myself in this strange washing device.”