
I have a childhood attachment to it, so I left it off my list of bad ones. But I will say I don't actually like E.T. at all.

Zoe Saldana played a trekkie in that film, and it had Stanley Tucci in it. That was enough for me.

There are a lot of his films that I really didn't care for, but other people seemed to enjoy them. BFG (obviously) Tintin, War of the Worlds, A.I. are probably the main ones for me.

It could've been so much better if she hadn't written all those stupid "pod" traps into capturing the city. Like why would that even be a thing?

Script by Dan harmon

I think the visceral reaction is more towards those who are crapping their pants over it for no reason — similar to Avatar.

Same reason I bought it too. It was okay, but it was definitely underwhelming

Hey, to each his own. Hopefully it turns out to be amazing.

Hopefully there's that and more. I haven't watched any of the trailers (I don't for any films nowadays), but I remember him saying that back when production on this movie had just started. Maybe he changed his mind.

Hey, I remember the 90s!

And they chose War Games instead of Ferris Bueller? Ugh.

His last film was BFG, so… it's possible. If anything, he'll help to keep it from being the complete trainwreck it could've been.

The hunger game novels ARE quite derivative! I enjoyed them, but I got the distinct impression that Collins was up against some deadline and absolutely rushed through the final half of the third book. Hell, when a movie has more detail on a bunch of scenes than the book itself, you know there's an issue.

I finally remembered a decent comparable in writing. It's like Divergent, but for nerdy topics instead of emotions. The quality is extremely similar.

Spielberg said he refused to put anything referring to his own work in the film. So… like half of the book references.

I thought the book was okay, but it was far from a great novel — and not only because of the non-stop 80s references. Not only does it ceaselessly bash you over the head with anything from my (and maybe your) childhood, but the main character just stumbles and bumbles his way along to everything. There's no real

Floor is Lava episode is probably close enough, right?

If she hadn't gone off and married Pete Sampras, we probably would've wound up together.

Whaaaaaaaat??? I had no idea that was him.

God, I'm gonna have to go listen to that album again. This is bringing back memories. But at least I never did a school project on it — I can hang my hat on that one.