
You need to look up the youtube video of X-Men directed by Wes Anderson. That'll be right up your alley.

God, I could never get past Snoob Talbot when I played the game. He was the worst.

Pulp Kombat? Mortal Fiction? Pulp Fiktion?

A line that somehow makes your eyes roll into the back of your head while also saying "oooo shit! what a badass!"

First one holds up very well as a this-is-so-freaking-corny-but-we-all-know-it film.

I'll NOT buy that for a dollar!

The MK soundtrack was the first CD I ever owned as a kid, so I remember listening to it non-stop. Annihilation was the first film I was ever disappointed in seeing, too — all of the character changes made me so mad as a kid. I have a serious love/hate relationship with this franchise, and I've never even really

Hiding in the same place as Abe Vigoda

The Bride and Groom are going to be so busy worrying about themselves, they wouldn't even notice. Like Blue says, send your apologies and/or gift, and that's all that needs to be done.

At least no one got depressed and had to see therapists after being distraught that they didn't live on a moon like the Avatar planet. Holy crap, talk about overrated.

Swift's lawyer needs to hand our a questionnaire to all the old men in return. Have you ever:

Same reasons 1-8 for me. My first ever boobie. The rest of the movie was okay, I guess.

I think they had them in there a scene or two as random adults on the campgrounds, but I'm not 100%. I never saw any rainbow suspenders, which was the giveaway last time.

Are those actual tv shows? Good lord, no wonder I stopped watching current programming.

That was my problem with the digital antenna when I tried it. 10 channels when it faced one way, 10 channels when it faced another. I just bummed log-in info for livestreaming a few channels on Roku when I needed it, and paid for netflix/hulu instead. I'm too lazy to have to try and get up and adjust things just

"You're working hard to put food on your family" — The AV Club

giving up 8 runs, losing game 7…. not to mention there's no guarantee they would've even won the WS once they got there. Just because the Marlins managed to beat the Yankees doesn't mean the cubs would've found that same magic. It's pretty absurd.

This whole article is pointless though! I mean, why review a free portion of an episode of tv? It's not like this is some sort of website dedicated to reviewing popular movies and televi— …

Bat Boy owns a pizza shop

I vote for this movie remake. Michael Ian Black will play the part of Marco Rubio.