
I broke my F5 key

"Why does the AV Club post articles like this??!" Asks the man who clicks on the article, reads it, then spends his time commenting on it and generating even more clicks.

I think they were wanting for the House to ultimately be the ones to kill it, until they got word that the house might actually pass what they were voting on. Who knows, though. Healthcare needs major work, and a barebones bill that takes 15M off healthcare and 20% premium spikes in the very next year isn't the

That's fine, but we eat the poison berries together. Agreed?

Them spending 15 minutes on how to remember the phrase "K-N-I-F-E-G-R-A-B" might be the funniest crap I've ever heard in my life.

Ben Stiller was making me feel stabby

shiny Hitler loves wearing his new Fuhr coat!

Well great, now I'm laughing even harder.

I mean, you've got time to slog through it, but that's literally the word I used for it when I was watching. It's rough. But I'm dedicated enough to the Marvel series, I can deal with one bad season. Just force your way through 1 episode per day, and you should be good. Or you can get it all out of the way at once.

Yeah, no need to discuss the love life thing…. that was weird. I can get people not caring for Night Terrors, but I still maintain that "Fear Her" is the worst episode ever made. And I'm even taking "Forest of the Night" into consideration.


I dunno, "Get a Load of This Shit, Internet!" is my favorite daily piece.

just one?

Oh no, did someone break with thee?

Really weird they went with the motto "For when your throat doesn't burn enough while vomiting after a night of binge drinking!"

Do they start serving alcohol at 9:30 in the morning? If so, I'll be waiting for them to open their doors twice a week.

Dammit, I came here to make the same joke.

Don't forget Cougartown. Easily one of the funniest shows on TV once it stopped being about a cougar trying to date younger men (around the thanksgiving ep in S1). Sadly everyone had tuned out by then.

To be fair, when I said "look at the ratings boost" what I really meant was "my step-dad used to bitch about us watching voyager until one day he saw a hot chick in spandex on it, then it became his favorite show." But that didn't sound as official.

I was really hoping you would still prefer Hee-Haw.