
I believe "they" has become widely accepted even in the singular term in order to not indicate specific gender. If my high school english teacher is dead, I'm sure she's rolling over in her grave.

We should get Oliver to write the reviews just to seal the deal.

The only reason I was against new Ghostbusters was because there didn't need to be a new Ghostbusters. Literally the only reason they made it was to try and capitalize on the feminism movement. Those girls are all freaking hilarious, why'd they have to be shoehorned into a remake instead of having something original?

Whoa there Milly

Hey now, Smile was pretty good. It was just the ending that fell completely flat. Oh hey, kind of like moon egg! The ideas are interesting, whoever that writer is just needs some assistance in execution.

Was it? Well then I stand corrected. But yeah, season 1 is tough to get through.

All you have to do is look at the ratings boost for Voyager once 7 of 9 got out of her borg armor and into a spandex suit.

And season 3 was amazing.

It's always interesting to me how people get worked up about those episodes, but all of the others were perfectly realistic. But when the moon is an egg, they've gone too far!

just like the "r" sound being the most intimidating. That's why it's called "murder" and not "muckduck"

It only requires 6 people to fly it when towing a planet while retaining its atmospheric shell and positioning it back to its original point in the solar system. Otherwise you only need 1 or 2.

And he calls it "sexy"

Doctor Her?

In my experience, you're one of the few. Most people I know try to argue how flawless the trilogy is.

It's like reading about a trainwreck, then coming down to the comments and watch everybody point at it.

Ask him if he ever regrets being the idiot that wanted microwaved hotdogs over grandma's sunday roast.

Hmmm…. could it be….Satan?

Not gay.

Too fancy to use the stove top or oven.

Just wait until he turns 7, and he'll start finding them on the internet all by himself.