
If you get 100 people obsessed with having a perfect body and only 2 are nuts then thats honestly a pretty good ratio.

What on earth is this article? You say it’s steeped in assault allegations and then it turns out to be a throwaway line at the very end where it turns out two (2!%) of the (unnamed) contestants have allegations against them. Is that even higher than the average at all?

It has literally nothing to do with the show, or

Because it’s a homage to Red Dawn, which was also a movie filled with Russians and Americans doing absolutely impossible things.

“Hey! Capitalist American pig-dogs! Look over thereski!”

El Camin-ohm. Resist the ordinary.

Uhh.... How is it not called "E-Camino"?!

If it weren’t for Union “goons”, as you say, you would be little more than a modern day serf. Scrabbling for survival.

Does ride sharing really need to be unionized?

“A human would notice the ice cream truck with kids around it and slow down beforehand, or at least be prepared for a kid to do something unexpected.”

You give human drivers way more credit than they deserve. I’ve observed drivers playing on their phones and passing stopped school buses.

Changing lanes requires yielding to traffic already in the lane.  They forced Waymo’s hand, but that’s not how right-of-way works.  Now a real driver might try to make an opening too, but that doesn’t mean that it’s safe or correct for a bicyclist to do that.

You mean like how we can predict when a bicyclist will move around a vehicle on the side of the road?

I do wonder if they’re building in action prediction into their systems. As a human, we know there are certain situations/places where drivers are going to want to change lanes, way before they signal or start moving that direction. We can read people’s eyes at intersections, see a head-check on the highway, etc.

Five gets you ten the department that paid for that new battery was marketing, not warranty fulfillment.

Perhaps Tesla just wanted it to examine better. Do you think even internally they have any hardware that has been used for 300,000 real world miles? Probably not. They probably do running on a dyno for 300,000, but nothing speaks the truth like an actual honest piece of hardware that has been in the field.

PR coverup....they are heavy users so keep them happy to tout Elon’s amazeballs.

I’m having a hard time believing Tesla replaced the entire battery for something that could have been solved with firmware, even if the customer had to wait for it. It just sounds too convenient. “The battery was totes fine but we replaced it because the gauge was reading wrong?” OK.

It’s the kind of math you do when you want to further a narrative, my friend.

They included the price of the car?