It’s really creepy. We didn’t do the pledge past elementary school, and I’m not sure if that’s unusual. I remember how rote and zombie-like it was.
It’s really creepy. We didn’t do the pledge past elementary school, and I’m not sure if that’s unusual. I remember how rote and zombie-like it was.
This may very well be true. Either which way though, it’s a First Amendment issue which everyone still loves to rage about
The family or the boy in particular may be religious, especially with the answer about God and family. Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t say the pledge and I believe that’s true of some other religious groups such as Quakers (Society of Friends). This may be more of a faith issue than politics à la Kaepernick.
People who demand respect or obedience to symbols or the rote chanting of words don’t really understand the whole point of the American Revolution. This is a brave little boy exercising his rights as as an American.
Texas politicians are loath to admit that those pinko commie Canadians can even afford to donate after shelling out for their single-payer healthcare. It’s not about Texas pride so much as Texas conservative politics.
like seriously, Canada calls to help, because they always have, thats who they have always been, and he says no thanks, just wants prayers?? really?you think that maybe them calling was an answer to your “prayers”, SMH...
I guess he has a warm dry bed and full fridge at home so its an easy choice, but i bet those…
And Politico reports how other countries are not killing themselves offering aid. President Bush2 supplied aid to countries affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and there was quite the outpouring of aid offerings back at us for Katrina in 2005. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.
This is what you get when you vote for people you can imagine having a beer with.
I lived in DFW for 4 years and I have never felt so out of my place in my entire life. People are nice to you until they find out that you weren’t born in Texas, which automatically puts them above you. Their state pride is on the same level as white supremacists.