
To be fair the Xbox Store and PSN don’t fair any better.... You will always be better off looking up “Hidden gems” on YouTube

Doctor: Rubs game controllers on me
Me: What the hell are you doing?
Doctor: Checking for tumors
Me: oh, ok!

For some reason I picture you as an old man who smells like chili and bitches at his job more than your other coworkers.

What phone are you using? My Pixel has the volume button just below the power button on the right, which makes it very easy to use as a camera shutter.

PROTIP: you can take pictures upside down and the phone will still put them the right way

What’s wrong with using a volume button for the camera when in a camera app?

He’s Halo’s husband, everyone knows that.

But it wins elections...

Agreed. If people want to pay $100 to not be locked to a particular carrier for 2 years then I say let them. Enough people bitched and moaned and now they are just left with less options. Well done America. Stupid bunch of twats.