Isn't a comment section under an article you've written exactly "asking him"?
Isn't a comment section under an article you've written exactly "asking him"?
Kind of a lazy, dull idea for a thesis project if you ask me.
There might be more to it than that, it's probably not fair to judge without seeing the whole thesis. But yeah I thought it sounded kind of lazy and dull too.
Don't get me wrong. I am in no way siding with people who want to do harm to others. I am merely expressing my frustration that there is the perception that a single narrative has been concocted and this narrative is being protected at great lengths by editors and moderators far and wide.
You won't approve this message, but I just have to say it for my own peace of mind.
You guys didn't really cover this Zoe Quinn nonsense other than a few posts like this, and that's fine. I'm glad to not see posts wasted on it. But if Zoe Quinn shouldn't be discussed on your site, Evan Narcisse's piece on the sex scandal over at the Leisure Suit Larry developer wasn't worthy of your time either. …
"a site that feels bullshit-free"
"Girls", where the sometime-hell of sexual relations is approached with wit, complexity, and meaningful satire..."
The business class bathrooms were like 100 sq feet and actually quite nice. I'd break things up a bit and hang out there for some privacy. ALso to smoke my e-cigarette. I even smoked it openly in my seat when the cabin was put into night mode but I was keeping away watching movies :) I know it's illegal but there's no…
I would be comfortable with even just 6 inches more leg room, I'm 6'4" & lanky, the seat in front of me is already touching my knees before they recline. I have dents in my knees after every flight that take months to go away, not to mention a few visits to the chiropractor after.
I routinely spend over $10k on business/first class tickets overseas. If this suite can accommodate more than two people, $20k starts to look pretty good.
They are competing against rented private jets.
So you mean that the 2nd layer of satire was a bridge too far?
"I am the walrus" - John Lennon. If Kurt Cobain were the walrus he would still be alive as he would not have had fingers to pull a trigger.
Um, it says in the article - twice - that the Libyan government requested our assistance in the matter.
It seems like a reasonable person might realize that this kind of thing would be possible. Hell, even likely. One should probably assume that this gentleman does not hit a lot of golf balls out of peoples' asses. So, there's a decent chance he might miss. She willingly participated in this stunt so I don't understand…
Hope she doesn't get anything out of this. If you're dumb enough to let someone hit a golf ball off of your ass, you shouldn't be entitled to anything if they miss and accidentally hit you.
Let me start by saying I harbor no ill will and mean not to start an internet flame war.....
The comments are pretty priceless about her, um, special kind of look.
Wonders why the male seatmate resisted her advances...