Fanfic-dom can never again reach the heights of this dramatic reading of gothic Harry Potter fanfic.
Fanfic-dom can never again reach the heights of this dramatic reading of gothic Harry Potter fanfic.
It's one of those rare comics that can do literally anything. One day you're closing up a long story arc about wooden soldiers, the next you're starting one about Bigby in WW2 fighting through Frankenstein's castle.
I'd pay good money to see Telltale make an adventure series out of Transmetropolitan, since they seem to be on a roll of making games out of great comics. Or Sandman/Lucifer if they can get the rights.
Unlike the last Telltale Game which was released as a German Shepherd puppy.
You probably don't have to but you really should. They're wonderful and addictive.
These are the polar opposite of the "crazy cat lady" stereotypes. The cafes smell very clean, the cats are washed and groomed regularly and have all their shots, and the litter boxes are kept out of sight and smell. It may be difficult to imagine beyond cat hoarders and uncleanliness, but honestly they are very…
That's kind of how I am now. I still have friends struggling in retail or low paying jobs. I've been there, and I help them out whenever I can. Also I have co-workers who lay into people in poverty or who take SNAP or welfare, using some variation of "if they can't be bothered to help themselves, why should my tax…
I know right? We just determined it was legal to racially profile someone, stalk them, then enter an altercation and shoot them. Many more problems to deal with other than something like "hey the black power ranger was racist since he was African American." Nope, real problems these days.
If only there were a simple answer. It isn't so much "are we out?" as "how can we adjust?" as the lengthy middle class exodus has fundamentally changed the economy. The average age for a minimum wage worker has gone up dramatically (from glancing at the McDonald's protests, it seems like at least in fast food retail…
I see a lot of lower-middle class (retail managers, menial white collar jobs) who look down on the minimum wage working class. Amazing what a few dollars an hour raise does to the ego.
Yes. And they are fantastic. Heart-warmingly, mind-numbingly fantastic.
Just follow it up with a tea at a cat cafe. All better, and the cat god is happy.
Now maybe players can understand what Call of Duty looks like to the rest of the world.
Maim Killing 2 was so shitty though. Framerate issues so bad it made Death Murder 3 look like Stab Shooter: Revelations.
Part of the fun of this series has always been how it takes you places you couldn't see coming. Every single case had a satisfying conclusion which is even more satisfying when individual cases play a larger role in some much larger, more sinister case. It just wouldn't be in the spirit of the series to keep hounding…
Been with this series from the beginning. By far the best visual novel/puzzle games I've played. And I'd certainly hope Ace Attorney 5 didn't answer all of my questions. It's only the second in the new trilogy beginning with Apollo Justice. The answers will come, and they will be awesome as they always have been. :)
I bought a Wii U to play Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, X, Shadow of the Eternals, the eventual Wii U Zelda game, and to catch up on the Wii games I missed since I didn't own a Wii.
There is no conceivable chance that heaven could be better than playing Call of Duty multiplayer deathmatch with this guy. Who wouldn't want that experience?
I can't deal with this adorable shit!
This story idea makes me unreasonably happy.