
Seriously, this sounds so much like the rallying cry post-election, 2016: We survived Reagan, we’ll survive this. Never mind the rights being eroded, the deaths that could have been prevented, the constant rightward slide of the Overton Window, the looming prospect of adding another facet the the ongoing forever war.

The alternative is simply that she’s a craven, spineless weasel entirely unworthy of her position.*operating at the behest of corporate forces that would strongly appreciate her not upsetting a predictable system that rewards all of them handsomely.

it’s not a new one, actually. you just aren’t paying attention to anything but your own bellybutton.

Awww, poor Quimby. But I’m glad you saved her from ending in agony, surrounded by family instead. I cried more when my cat of 13 years died than I have for any person (my father’s hit me harder overall, but he wouldn’t have wanted me to so I didn’t - much).

and this comment epitomizes tone policing. who cares? do you agree with the platform, or not? do you want to win, or not? don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater because you don’t like someone’s tone.

Yeah, bullshit. There’s a guy currently driving around NY is this truck.

I think all of the replies you ignored effectively articulate how full of shit you are.

All four and Pramila Jaypal were the recipients of essential support from Justice Democrats and AOC from Brand New Congress, organizations outside of the standard Democratic power structure. Sanders is largely responsible for both of those organizations. The Squad probably could not have won without that support.


This has been proven false

Sanders is a cantankerous old curmudgeon. His popularity is all the more proof  the people that support him do so for his policy.

Whatever rocks your boat, Tomato. Have a good weekend.

Even with Biden?! No way. Biden is a stammering old man totally disconnected from reality.

Fuck you and your “Bernie Bro” slurs. Has this not been debunked and played out enough? Sanders is the #1 candidate with young Black women for starters. This holdover from Hillary supporters is tiresome.

Who exactly is “turned off by Bernie”? Are you talking about Trump supporters?

Cool story bra... Can’t wait until AOC is eligible to run and see how that story changes.

What a bizarre and sad comment. No one is rubbing your nose in failure. That is your weird take. Bernie puts out the best policies. Find someone else that puts out those policies and they are just as good.

No, she fills the obvious voids left in the previous Hillary versions. Hence, the 3.0.  

How does this prove any point? What did he say about Warren that warrenrs such a stupid comment? 

Bernie has pushed the conversation left and forced those who take the money of rich donors over the concerns and hopes of the people defend their actions. That is the gold standard. We need sweeping progressive reform and we needed it decades ago. The “slow rollout” of change hinted at by the centrists is long past