
Yeah. It’s just a joke. That letter is nothing but a vile smear by a bunch of corrupt Democrat party hacks. They don’t cite anything racist Bernie said. They don’t prove any of Bernie’s staff or prominent supporters are racists. No tweets from them. No posts. No spoken or written racist words. Just a lie smearing

The libs have learnt nothing from ‘16. Trying to make voting Sanders socially stigmatising in an effort to bully the left will only depress enthusiasm in the general.

It’s almost like you didn’t read their comment at all.

Your excuses are pathetic and stupid.   If they cared about not creating a distraction they would release the vote totals and be transparent.   Everyone is going to be distracted when a political party isn’t being transparent with their members.  If you weren’t such a dishonest anti-Bernie hack you’d realize that.  

I’m all over left wing twitter, reddit, Splinter, fucking all of it and I haven’t seen any of this. It’s fucking bullshit.

Liberation politics and Socialism in general are by definition anti racist and anti sexist. Please be more skeptical of the trope of the Bernie Bro. Hillary was able to raise 1.4 billion dollars in 2016. Some of the people that donated that money realize that smearing Bernie like this is the most effective attack

The response from WFP is 100% misdirection. They begin by pointing out how diverse the leadership is, as though that somehow makes it impossible for the leadership to have massively outsized influence on the the outcomes of party votes. Then they lean on the fact that they’re receiving harassment, as though this

It’s fair to condemn any potential-and I mean potential as theres no proof provided-racism and say their lack of transparency sucks and is suspicious at the same time. I can do two things.

Yes.  They are all liars. 

They will never show the vote totals because they vote totals will make them look like stupid corrupt assholes.  

The response from WFP is basically, “How dare you question how this all went down when our leadership is [insert identity groups here]? Oh, and by the way, internet randos are getting all up in our mentions, so it looks like this answers any and all questions about the vote tallies!”

I smell a rat.

The attacks are gross, but it is damn suspicious that they changed their methods to ones that essentially give leadership total control of the endorsement and refuse to release the actual vote count. That doesn’t justify attacking them on racist grounds.

So I take it this is WFPs latest distraction attempt to avoid releasing the vote totals?

Release the vote totals like you did in 2015 or else it is a case of “the lady doth protest too much.”

The only reason Nancy Pelosi tells bigoted lies about Ilhan Omar is because AIPAC gives her such a lucrative bribe. Like you wouldn’t tell racist lies about a Muslim Congresswoman for lots of money.

But Ilhan Omar...

yet the RWNJs and the idiots that populate Trump’s admin seem hell-bent on driving us into the ground, rather than working together to solve the issue.

Lambic doesn’t really understand anything.

People always say that weird shit about being rewarded for investment or innovations. Aren’t investments and innovations rewards for their own sake? If you’re a farmer and you invent a plow that makes plowing your field way easier, boom, you’ve been rewarded for your innovation. If you’re an investor and you want a