
Bethany is a great example as to why attempting to appeal to conservatives is a fruitless endeavor. Some of the shittiest people on this planet.

 Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout. 

Based on your one comment you’re a painter without a canvas, paint, or a studio who thinks art is for losers. 

He’s really not a lunatic. People like to exaggerate and pretend he’s certifiably insane, when really he’s just...creative.

I love when people try and describe Death Stranding in a negative way like this. It always unintentionally comes out sounding awesomely weird and unique, and I love that no amount of verbal gymnastics can change that.

That part of the “photo” (what) being cut off is a you problem, too.

There’s literally an unblocked ad in the screenshot.

Oh, so now I understand the kind of person who doesn’t block ads online. It’s someone like you!

Given the reviews that I’ve read haven’t exactly been glowing, I would suspect part of this more about “who can we trust not to ream us up the ass when it turns out the game is just as buggy as we think it is” than it is about “OMG - they leaked the plot that we also revealed in the trailers” security.

Seems like Atlus is still busy milking Persona 5 money dry (wouldn’t blame them to be honest).

This isn’t even a good attempt at trolling. Step your game up.

As someone that works in journalism (and still has a halfway decent job that I’m hanging onto for dear life), this is just depressing as hell:

The cook thing was confusing.

Same. I hope they get fired though. But while they’re here I might as well make the best of it.

Loaning while at the range, didn’t work out too well for Chris Kyle.

This is an excellent point. Were this a model, hell, even a pre-painted, snap-together deal, I might jump. Otherwise it’s just a thing I need to make room for. 

Thanks for the condescending link, but no thanks. I’ve reached my smartass quota for this month.

I’m in Washington State, and it 110% has an effect on me... but you need a significant amount, and it seems to work better if you take it every day, more akin to an anti-depressant than a painkiller.

CBD actually works. I used it for my anxiety and racing thoughts earlier this year, and I’m thinking of getting another bottle, because my anxiety’s getting bad again. Maybe if you actually looked into something instead of just shitting on it because you don’t understand it, you might benefit from it.