
My impression of the very old is that they all still refer to video games as “murder simulators” and probably quote Tipper Gore.

Wasn’t really talking about where the gun is positioned though. Just that’s the default position is front and center.

Gah. Want to play on ps4 because that’s what my buds have... but that 4k 60fps...

Nah not a holster. The default resting gun position is just something that hasn’t changed along with everything else over the decades. For some interactive cut scenes it’s weird to be pointing your gun directly at the actor. From a design pov I wish there could be a new standard.

Just one of those things that made sense in Doom and Wolfenstein 3D but seems weird especially now that we have ambient occlusion on blades of grass and so forth.

I’m not being definitive at all. Like say, you could keep it just out of view. Have the gun bob and weave some just on the lower register as you walk or run

Like the times in dialog scenes in FPSs where I’d like to face the character who’s talking to me and not point my gun directly at them like some jabroni

I dunno. Like keep the crosshair of course and the aim down sights but the walking everywhere breaking so much blue is just weird now that everything else is super realism

The one aspect of first person shooters that I wish would change is the hand holding the gun in front of you at all times. There’s got to be a better way.

Thankfully, enough time has passed since 2003 that the fact I’ll still have to wait for closure to the first game’s slight cliff hanger doesn’t bother me.

Huh. The guy I mentioned is playing on PC and he’s having 0 server issues. I’ve heard about the console launch. Also a dodgy launch doesn’t mean anything. Ah well. Seems really fun honestly.

One of my good friends, a hardcore horror fan and Friday the 13th fan, kickstarted it and loves it. I wonder if the generally lukewarm reception its gotten is from the general gaming community and if the Friday the 13th fan community might appreciate it more. Fwiw I’m also a big fan.

The characters in the expansions are so vividly realized you might miss them more once it’s all over than the main game characters.

Oh dude. You haven’t started either expansion yet? Trust me you’re in good hands. Gerald gets his extended farewell.

Rough week so, Eurotruck Simulator 2 for me. The most relaxing game ever conceived.

Yeah. I would get ruined in Titanfall 2 using a gamepad. We shall see.

Hmm. Really want to play on PC but with a controller. M&K ruins my hands for long periods of time. Wonder how this will pan out.

Hell yeah. Alpha 3.0 is looking amazing. Every few months I dip my toes in to see what’s new and they’ve been slowly building something giant.

Metal Combat: Falcon’s Revenge. The best of the super scope games.

Not at all. Its a country of endless war and means testing anti-poverty programs. But hey at least an investment bank put up a statue of a young girl in wall st.