
This is exactly the reason why PEGI > ESRB.

You yanks should just ditch the ESRB once and for all, and finally adapt the superior PEGI system. No more AO vs M rating bullshit, it’s either R15 or 18, or just plain “recommended age” markings that aren’t restricted anymore.

Reading posts like that, I can only praise my country’s lazy / money saving decision to import everything but Disney animations in English, and at best only add local subtitles. Games were always in English, pretty much no exceptions up until these days, and Pokemons were always in their ENG names.

Nice post there, mate. However, let me remind you that custom-content servers have been a thing since Quake 1 times (maybe even earlier?). It was pretty much a norm to connect to a CS1.6 server, have the game download its custom content to your PC, and only THEN to get and play the game.

It’s just sad that K0taku publishes articles from people who know jack shit about the games they write about. First they didn’t know what they were seeing in MGS5's early trailers, thanks to never having played the previous game(s), and now people have not played Doom 64, the direct sequel of Doom 2, with easily the

They did sooo many huge mistakes with D44M, that they’d end up only raping Quake. You simply do not consolize and make Quake “cinematic”; you make it fast, dynamic, and have an actual learning curve.

It’s just sad that K0taku publishes articles from people who know jack shit about the games they write about. First they didn’t know what they were seeing in MGS5's early trailers, thanks to never having played the previous game(s), and now people have not played Doom 64, the direct sequel of Doom 2, with easily the

Everything that I’ve read, heard and seen of D44M have made it very clear now: This game is not for me. And no, I don’t prefer shit like HALO / CoD / etc, on the polar opposite contrary actually. Instead, I find this thing they dare to call “Doom” to be a total disrespect and butchering of THE DooM.

I sure hope that the D44M will inspire the young, casual-age kiddies to give the ORIGINAL Doom-games and its 90's “clones” a shot. Most of them will offer more secrets (with no hints most of the time), more non-linear maps, and overall no handholding or “cinematic” action. Just you, your KB, versus hordes of

Hope you like stopping every 5 seconds for 2-3 seconds to view a scripted finisher move, because you are dependent of those Glory Kills providing you supplies. Similarly, hope you dig RPGs, because without any upgrades applied, all the guns are piss-weak (4-5 shots to off a basic former human??), and can only carry

“Entirely optional”, like walking barefoot in the forest is.

have you seen the fan and player-reception of D44M ? Shit’s being bashed, everywhere. Even actual gaming media has mostly negative stuff to say after the Beta (pic related), and you need to have very low standards and rose-colored goggles to even imagine SP doing much better after all the shown footage.

These ham-fisted easteregg “references” won’t change the fact that the game is fucking awful modern shooter/RPG mixture, with linear maps, handholding, peashooter weapons, Weapon Wheel instead of quick-keys on goddamn PC (!), level-up and perk systems you pretty much NEED to use to finish the game, and a 1-hit-kill

All true, but please stop saying that the Brutal Doom allows aiming and jumping. Those are simply features implemented by the advanced SOURCE-PORTS, in this case GZDoom, on which BD is based on.

No, it is not. Literally blocks on top of blocks. Like they’d made the maps in the fucking Snapmap themselves. Nothing abstract about anything. And no, couple giant skeletons does not equal abstract.

BFG EDition sucks ass in every possible way. AVOID IT!

No. It DEFINITELY did not look like fucking DOOM.

tfw you re-reply to a year old article by accident...

Yes. While things may seem unrelated at first glance, in the end EVERYTHING is connected to each other, and the series really keeps the kettle boiling for a long while, just to cook up delicious drama and action of grand scale.

The whole “We want EVERYONE to play and enjoy our game equally!” mentality is exactly what has ruined modern games.