
launch up the original N64 version if you can. I bet you'll be horrified to notice how low-res it is. It literally is running at lower resolution than Ocarina of Time, and we're already talking sub-240i here.

If you weren't playing games in the 90s, you might not remember tank controls, a movement scheme best left to history

Actually both OoT and MM are locked to 20fps, which translated to ~17fps in the PAL region because of the 50hz transition. On top of that MM had some minor slowdowns at times.

Every single question of this short that includes "I went to watch some Youtube footage and didn't get it" -part instantly nullifies the point. Even more so if you have played HL2 already BUT not the first one for some weird reason.

They "redraw it", because the original used horrible, rushed 3DCG, and to be honest the KIDS did not look like kids in the flashback either.

I got another one for ya. Seriously, my young mind couldn't handle all these GRAPHIX back in early 2000's. "Next gen" has never been this extreme.

"What exactly makes it so much better?"

MGS2 guards with AKs? In the MGS1 setting??

Wow, that last half of your post actually made me a bit mad. Quite so actually.

Say that to sub-sonic .308Win or .300 AAC, which is a .30cal round designed to be fired out of regular AR15 with changed barrel. We're talking about effective range of hundreds of meters, that will also punch through soft bodyarmor, 2x4 boards and sheet metal like butter.

Can I disable this crap altogether? Like no Metro shit AT ALL? Uninstall it maybe?? Why the hell'd I want this stuff on my 1000 bucks desktop machine, or even my laptop?

Now playing

I think this video's closer to the truth:


It's always annoying to see people bitch about the 3D Controls in games like RE and SH, when they work FAR better with them than with 2D ones (=character moves to direction you push). Yeah, they don't feel quite as good on analog stick as with directional pad / Arrows, which I actually recommend using.

Lovely game, nice intro, but I prefer the SNES port's tune more.

Fucking drama-queen. Exaggerating "problems", missing the whole point, and overall making a big group of gamers get "marked". All thanks to her man-hate crusades, which ironically gives her more publicity AND more money.

The PT demo has nothing to do with the Silent Hills, other than containing a vague reveal teaser of it. This was stated in the game's video itself.


only thing that bothers me about this "remaster" is the obviously upscaled + Photoshop-filtered backgrounds. They really should've re-rendered them.

I do. Wanna fight?