
Actually all MGS cutscenes are done with in-game graphics, NOT pre-rendered.

Fact: People claiming something to look like N64 / PS1 game nowadays havenĀ“t fired up their retro consoles for a decade. It was same with OoT 3D, and now with MGS3D ?

A reminder to all Steam players:

You really think Valve would release their games on their RIVAL's system?

4 more years, and that'll be average for PC gamers anyway. I just jumped to 8GB and 64-bit W7.

"320x240 game"

"Would it be that much harder to add AA and pretty looking texture surfaces? "

I really don't see why they'd even need to use anything but DVD discs for these HD-rereleases. They are only bumping up the resolution, that's all.

That's only on easiest difficulties. They literally STOP to "dance" in front of you on Beginner and Easy.

The fact that you are this unfamiliar with the Portal-games, that are being praised everywhere for both originality and presentation, is just mind-boggling. Also how old exactly are you, because I'm nearly 25, and I consider these games some greatest fun in ages!

Playing on console + item glow + regen health + XP system.

It's been done before tho'. It's called GTA -series.

...you haven't played any FPS games since 1998? Hell, even many of those did reloads "properly" already (see HL1). These are one of the laziest I've seen in a while.

I prefer it silent. There, I said it.

Either they got very anorectic actor, or you don't recognize CG effects.

He didn't exactly "rape" monsters per se, it was just heavily implied symbolism of it.

"Both are good, both have duke, and both are available. "

It doesn't even have to be hentai. Nor "ecchi" in style by these standards.

Everyone else (that is: outside the original SH-team) did. Everyone complained.

This person clearly has not played the original Alice-game.