Grow some spine EA, and amuricans need to stop whining and act like goddamn hypocrites or master race.
Grow some spine EA, and amuricans need to stop whining and act like goddamn hypocrites or master race.
@ZFK: Many sources compare it to GC power-wise, and the good ol' Cube was already stronger than PS2.
Didn't Nintendo mention something about graphical-style changing within the game depending on the setting or event?
@Kovitlac: what, it doesn't? Then it'd be a no-buy for me. :(
@Foxhack: DS uses these SD memory cards-like solutions as its "carts", and those can hold nowadays anything from 1 to whooping 32 Gigabytes of data. The first DS games were between ~5 (some small third party games) to 150MB (Resident Evil DS).
@sazkion: Nvidias have for long been the most sure choices for gaming, and I'm sure that 460 will do just fine.
@deathxrebirth: Highschool Of the Dead.
@Jouen: "Having a health bar that doesn't regenerate would be very frustrating nowadays"
@Platypus Man: Yes, you definitely should play the original game as well, with the expansions!
@Genjis: I'd still recommend checking out the original games, including the expansions.
@cfive3: Actually their Wiki has gotten more and more small, new pieces of info and images every passing month.
@Teemuslayer: Oh, and do practice level exploring: those secret areas are often filled with sweet powerups and gear!
All I can say "it's about time!", and that I'm positively surprised you ended up finding it enjoyable. :)
@Strages: There was: you held down the ALT-key, then .
@Gameslaya: Doom 1's E1M1 too has a secret area containing the shotgun.
@havelava: it's from Bubble Bobble. :)
@Mancomb Seepgood: HL3 will never happen. The Episodes are what we could call HL3. The series (or Gordon's tales at least) will end with ep3.
I actually remember seeing a indie demo of a similar game a year or two ago... so did they go retail, or was their idea stolen? This looks a bit more 2D tho..
I actually remember seeing a indie demo of a similar game a year or two ago... so did they go retail, or was their idea stolen? This looks a bit more 2D tho..
Actually Akira has mentioned that IF the folks at Konami ask him, he could do some audio for the new SH-games. So there's still some hope.