
Grow some spine EA, and amuricans need to stop whining and act like goddamn hypocrites or master race.

@ZFK: Many sources compare it to GC power-wise, and the good ol' Cube was already stronger than PS2.

Didn't Nintendo mention something about graphical-style changing within the game depending on the setting or event?

@Kovitlac: what, it doesn't? Then it'd be a no-buy for me. :(

@Foxhack: DS uses these SD memory cards-like solutions as its "carts", and those can hold nowadays anything from 1 to whooping 32 Gigabytes of data. The first DS games were between ~5 (some small third party games) to 150MB (Resident Evil DS).

@sazkion: Nvidias have for long been the most sure choices for gaming, and I'm sure that 460 will do just fine.

@Jouen: "Having a health bar that doesn't regenerate would be very frustrating nowadays"

@Platypus Man: Yes, you definitely should play the original game as well, with the expansions!

@Genjis: I'd still recommend checking out the original games, including the expansions.

@cfive3: Actually their Wiki has gotten more and more small, new pieces of info and images every passing month.

@Teemuslayer: Oh, and do practice level exploring: those secret areas are often filled with sweet powerups and gear!

All I can say "it's about time!", and that I'm positively surprised you ended up finding it enjoyable. :)

@Strages: There was: you held down the ALT-key, then .

@Gameslaya: Doom 1's E1M1 too has a secret area containing the shotgun.

@havelava: it's from Bubble Bobble. :)

@Mancomb Seepgood: HL3 will never happen. The Episodes are what we could call HL3. The series (or Gordon's tales at least) will end with ep3.

I actually remember seeing a indie demo of a similar game a year or two ago... so did they go retail, or was their idea stolen? This looks a bit more 2D tho..

I actually remember seeing a indie demo of a similar game a year or two ago... so did they go retail, or was their idea stolen? This looks a bit more 2D tho..

Actually Akira has mentioned that IF the folks at Konami ask him, he could do some audio for the new SH-games. So there's still some hope.