
Gears of War 2, Resistance 2, Too Human, Metal Gear Solid 4, Fable 2, Dead Space, Spiderman WoS, Ratchet & Clank ToD, Rock Band 2, Far Cry 2, Fallout 3, Force Unleashed, Lego Batman, Lego Indy, Madden, Ninja Gaiden 2, MLB 2k8, Turning Point, Condemned 2, Rainbow Six 2, World at War, MK vs DC- uh, this may take a while

Resident Evil, Diablo, and Street Fighter- I can't pick just one.

@peterpanpiper: Halo Wars was built from the ground up for console controls. It should be decent at the very least. I hope...

Oh I'm gonna be having nightmares about that oil guy.

@Gyaruson: I remember paying (at least, I remember my parents paying) $70 for Robocop on the NES. Now that was a rip-off.

I'd rather play Killzone 2 (at least I hope I would...) than play dress-up. I guess this is cool but IMO Home just seems like such a waste.

@£4|\/|3ß®41|\|: Wow, I had no idea Folklore had so much going for it- might have to pick that up now!

Love the 'Saw' comment. I still can't believe that was going to be a game.

@Phydeaux: Maybe Halo killed his family and now he's on a crusade against all things Bungie.

Ah yes- to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women. Is there anything better in life?

I once heard an interview with a football player about the general angst that comes with talking to a NY Times reporter. He said they always try to make much bigger stories out of things than they actually are. Same thing here, no?

@Sammo21: Lately I'm thinking Valve's overrated- Not diggin L4D at all.

@ShingoEX: Yeah, but the PS3 is a supercomputer.

@Ryodestined: You probably don't want to know. I'd rather just enjoy the visual and quietly move on.

@TSlade: Sorry, that painfully short comment was only meant for madshrew.

Oh Lord that was awesome- But I think they may have aimed a little high. Boll's films aren't nearly as much fun.

Why were the goombas heads so small? And why were they called goombas when they were clearly some kind of special needs koopa troopas?

@EvilMetsFan: But it just sucks sooooo much that I can't see the final release being anywhere near 'fun'. It's not just technical stuff- Home is boring beyond belief.