
I've always equated EA with Disney and their 'family of companies' for some reason, so I guess this makes sense-

@Mahler: mine was in great shape too... till he took a long walk off a very short shelf and now he's not doing very well at all.

@chemical_eng_mx: Seriously, that would make this a hell of a lot more tempting of a purchase. But would he have ice based attacks or maybe just hardcore, straight up, ninja style?

@TimDJ84: I'm in my 30's and have all three systems but I would definately say I favor the 360. I think you might be looking in the wrong place if you're trying to find the niches that the big three fit into. In my mind, it's more along the lines of 'type of game player' over 'age of player'. I can't stand these buzz

@Reil: It's a Web of Shadows!!!!!!!

@chemical_eng_mx: 'That pic made me want for an unlockable Vanilla Ice' That's.... the greatest thing I've ever heard.

@Komrade_Kayce: Good God I played the shit out of that. Didn't Leonardo have a move called the 'endless screw'? I distinctly remember laughing my ass off about that.

@slickwizurd: Hey man, I love OSX but Windows pretty much runs the world doesn't it?

Xbox portable? I'd get that in a heartbeat- unless it is, in fact, a phone. I don't need another cell.

You know it's not really the cool of a toy when the only thing that jumps out at you are the nipples. And for 95 bucks? Pass.

Hee, hee- ass

Who isn't 50 days away from bankruptcy?

Looks fantastic- I just hope $ony isn't going to hit me over the head with a Killzone 1 sized disappointment. I REALLY wanted that stupid thing, God what a crapfest.

Holy crap that was awesome, just hearing that siren again brings back the memories-

Looks way better than the usual crap that clogs up the app store.

So, just to understand, Wii music might influence what music means in the world? Mr Miyamoto, you sir, are crazy.

Weeeeee! I just played again and I got a 47! Which begs the question, why did I play this thing twice?

@kathartik: I'm sure Cooking Mama is a lot of fun, but I'm still not happy about a 'Foodie' category being included in a gaming guide. By the same token, I'm sure you don't really need to have 'Fitness Buff' on there either.

@DreamoftheEndless: I can't either and I'm a big fan of the games- so if anything, I really wanted to like this thing.

@geekgrrl: Oh, get outta here. Food and recipe 'games' have no place on my games shelf.