
@D_DubDSU: Wow, that's actually pretty cool!

Is Sam Fisher in this? Where the hell did he go anyway?

@Darwinius: You sir, are a lucky bastard!

@Azures: Bullshit is having your birthday a week earlier. Now I have to pay for 'em both myself. Crap.

This reminds me of many shitty 3rd person PS2 games I've bought that seemed cool but had no pre-release news at all. Just say no to 'purchases based on the box' kids.

Don't like the cover at all but SF4 looks phenomenal.

I'm really not sure why WaW is such a big deal- there have been other representations of the fight in the Pacific. 'Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault' comes to mind.

I got this email the other day. This is the one time that I'm actually happy that my real life is too busy for much gaming.

@jeremyschultz: Damn, you're right. Crap, I'm gonna have to hide out for a while now...

@TheTragonDragon: You might get it back sooner than you think. I lost my Elite to an RRoD two months ago and I got it back in about a week! AND it was a brand new unit to boot!

@squishyfishy: You dare not know the name of Kahn!?! (I know everybody wrote it already but it won't stop me) KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHN!!!!!!!!!!!!

@undefined: I don't think too many people bought GTA just for the DLC. I'll definitely play it when it comes out, but it's really not even something that's on my radar.

I never actually take advantage of any of these Black Friday things anyway- Anybody remember a few years back when Target (I think it was Target) did celebrity wake-up calls for BF? I got a call from Ice-T. He told me to get out of bed and get my "shop on".

I was duped into viewing the tub-girl abomination by a friend of mine. We are no longer friends. Bastard.

My God I love this game. I really didn't think I'd like it as much as I do but holy crap this is awesome stuff- good job Mr.Huge.

Newell looks so sad in that picture. Poor baby.

@Blah8: Excellent points throughout. Well said.

It'll be interesting to see how Activision handles that. What an ass.

@MikeRox: "It is definitely a contender for GOTY, even against the might of Resistance 2, Little Big Planet and Gears of War 2" Wait, what? Am I thinking of the same Da Blob that you are?

A dual button mouse is a problem? I have Mac's and PC's and use two button mice on both. Couldn't imagine my Mac without it's mighty mouse.