
Pretty cool. I'll be getting the 360 version but still, good work- reminds me of the olden days of shareware pee-cee gamin'.

I don't even care if this isn't that good, I haven't played a Ghostbusters game since the one on Genesis (has there even been one since then?) and we're waaaaaay overdue. Now I just need Bill Murray to get off his ass make part 3.

I remember seeing that Hopper was, in fact, King Koopa. It's as strange to say today as it was then.

I can't believe it but these really aren't that bad. Of course I have no need for sneakers since I only wear 'sensible shoes'.

The only time I ever enjoy multiplayer is when I unplug the headset. I wish online was more like the old days of Doom - less talkie more shootie

The original Resident Evil scared the crap outta me- so much so that I couldn't play it at night!

Won't having two massive letdowns like Ratner and A-Rod in the same place cause some kind of rift in reality? Watch out LHC!

@Lake Somerset: What the hell is a "BAWWWWWWWWWWWW-fest"?

Fits nicely with the Halo 3 ads and the first Gears one. More Game ads should go along these lines- it just builds excitement so much better than a random sampling of 'in game' stuff.

Oh lordy please no more Army of Two.

@PappaLazarou: Don't count on Wake for Christmas 2012- remember that the world ends on Dec 21st of that year. Bummer, I know, but what are you gonna do?

@Vault69: I had a buddy sell me on the Sin import when it first came out. Didn't like it at all at the time, from the story down to the mechanics.

@SecCom: It is weird with this game, I have no desire at all to play it but I actually like it a lot once I do. Bizarre.

getting back into Castlevania:SOTN on LIVE

I pretty much just use my own pictures for wallpaper on the PS3 and the 360. Unless you're a HUGE fan of something, I think a theme is kind of a waste of money.

Badass. Man I love that soundtrack.

Ghostbusters 3 would be like a dream. I can't even believe they're talking about it. Still want the game though, I don't even care if it sucks.

Wow that sucks, ten 360's is almost unbelievable. I still have my good old launch 360 and she purrs like a kitten. I can't believe I've been that lucky!

@icepick314: Me too- sooooo worth it though!

@AnotherGamer: Wonder Woman kicks ass- the big three from DC are presented nicely. Still no Cage in this one? Just checking.