
@LaserJudas: I just cannot in any way bring myself to pay for ONE game on a monthly basis even if it is KOTOR. Can't do it.

I better not have to pay anything extra for this if I'm playing over Live. Other than that (which may or may not actually not exist), it sounds pretty cool.

Give me a GOOD reason why North America has to wait a year for this thing. Yes, sales of the DS are good here, but they're good everywhere!

@futurebiblehero: Not a validator for the experience- AN experience. I want to be able to enjoy a story all the way through to the end and see how everything ties up. When you work as much as I do you have little to no free time/energy and I'd rather enjoy a complete story than have a half-way trip through

Can I just have the damn Street Fighter HD already?

No, just no- and I pay for LIVE so I'm not cheap, that's not it. I don't mind paying for a complete online service on a yearly basis, I just don't want to pay for each individual game I play. Keep it like Warhawk.

Harder usually just means that I won't be able to beat it. I don't have the free time to donate hours to playing one level dozens of times.

The yearly buy-two-get-one's at Toys R Us (wasn't the first year buy-ONE-get-one?). There are so few sales in gaming.

@TSlade: Damn, come to think of it, some Doom 3:ROE sounds pretty good...

LEGO Batman (can't wait for Arkham though!)

@TM-Oliveira: Good idea, definitely makes more sense for me.

Awesome that the world is falling apart right now but the only thing these dopes can work themselves up over is a damn videogame.

That's way to expensive for that pile of crap. I'm usually a sucker for special editions but who the hell even cares for a game like Dead Space? Yeah it looks good, but you have to establish a top notch franchise BEFORE you gouge away at your fan base.

I'm not even going to bother talking about any kind of statement this game might be trying to make- quite frankly all I'm thinking at the moment is that it's boring and pretty gross looking. But big thanks to the developers for making me queasy right before dinner, fantastic.

Well I like the 2D just fine, not so crazy about everything else. HD next time and you've got one more sale.

FPS = awesome, can't get enough of those. Tired of RTS's though, and I used to love 'em, and no more online RPG's please. They're way too time consuming for my taste and I don't dig paying seperate monthly fees for everything I play.

Wait, I thought the apocalypse wasn't for another four years. Did CERN have something to do with this?

How would you know he was zombie-Busey?

Where the hell's the burlap? He looks more like sweatpantsboy... He also looks like he just had human for lunch.

Mostly shoulder/back/neck cramping from sinking into the couch. And I can't forget the blisters from all those old WWF games on the SNES. Damn that grapple-meter, damn it to hell!