TS Idiot

No mention of the Dirk Gently series from BBC in like 2010? Not brilliant, but definitely entertaining in its way, with a very good cast.

Wang Dang Trump Pence-taaaaaang!

Yeah, life is unfair.

More like Boo-lan, amirite?

I'd prefer Lil Elton John

I like Josie. It's amusing and cute and peppy. But it's not in the league of the others I mentioned (IMO).

Based on how many people in this forum alone are extolling its praises, I can say unequivocally it is considered by most to be a very, very funny movie. Not your cup of tea perhaps, but it's fucking hilarious to me.

Honestly, Josie and the Pussycats makes the cut but MacGruber, OSS 117 (either one), Tropic Thunder, Super Troopers didn't?!?!?!? Jesus Christ.

They're great - and even funnier if you know some French! Like any film or book, something always gets a bit lost in translation, but they're both really solid comedies with a genius lead performance by Dujardin. If you get a chance (hard to find here in the US), check out 99 Francs, which is a weird and darkly comic

Those lives very well may have been lost anyway, sadly. The US was going to spread out no matter what, and not much of anything was going to stop it. And was there a way to stop the Civil War from happening? Delay it, perhaps, but I'd be hard pressed to blame JKP for the inevitable.

"Or a doo-wop band like The Temptations"

My wonderful gin guzzling AP US History teacher (Dean Nagy, RIP), was very enamored with JKP. His argument for Polk's greatness was that he set out to do four things, he did them, left, and then died of consumption or whatever a few months later, or something like that. Granted, the repercussions of his actions were

No mention of the Preston Sturges classic "The Great McGinty"? He sold the script to Paramount for $10 as long as he could direct it…and he ended up winning the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. It taps into every aspect of dirty politicking - vote rigging, shady bosses behind the scenes running the show, sham

So, you're saying two hours a week is your excuse?

Except a deadbeat dad doesn't send a check.

It was a Disney album. It's amazing they chose such a wide array of artists who really put their own stamp on the songs as opposed to just coming into a studio and singing off a backing track. Just looking at the track list - the truly surreal Hi Diddle Dee Dee intro by Ken Nordine, Bill Frisell and Wayne Horvitz,

Their take on "I Wanna Be Just Like You" from the Jungle Book on the Disney Stay Awake compilation is simply one of the grooviest, funnest tracks I have ever heard. It also has tunes by the likes of Syd Straw, Tom Waits (an industrial Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho), Bonnie Raitt (who makes me cry with her version of Baby Mine from

I guess somebody has to.

Love the Latin Playboys albums.

For fans of the more eclectic, experimental side of Los Lobos, the Latin Playboys albums are FANTASTIC (with David Hidalgo, Louie Perez, Mitchell Froom and Tchad Blake (who both produced Kiko, and like 60 other albums from Paul McCartney to Pearl Jam). It's like avant-garde roots music, very cool shit.