TS Idiot

Just like Hudsucker Proxy, it was so intent on being "old timey" that it lacked a central core IMO. I love old movies (and listen to old radio podcasts all the time), and however over the top and ridiculous they can get, they are still emotionally connected to the material. They can be hammy. absurd, ridiculous, but

The Blurge

Incohesive? In this a portmanteau of incoherent and uncohesive?

You lost me at Letterheads…Maybe I should try it again, but it was so painfully unfunny. I got what he wanted to do, but the execution was just forced and every joke landed with a thud.

Plowing through The Mongoliad, Book 3 - the interactive historical sword fighting thing created by Neal Stephenson and some other authors that were turned into 3 print volumes (each larger than the last). You got your Mongols, you got your Christians, plus some Chinese and Norwegians and Brits and Magyars and popes

Not much rocks harder than PE at their best imo… And James Brown kicks ass over pretty much any and everybody, and almost every "rock" musician would tell you the same. What IS rock? Does it require an electric guitar? (Which JB has) Is it a rhythm based judgement? How it "feels"? I made a mix where AC/DC went into

Are you talking about Stevie, James, Sand & Dave? Because they are all in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Which, IMO, qualifies them as rock music.

"I hate horn sections in rock music. They drive me fucking crazy. So I already don’t like you when your riff is a horn."

Fair point.

It wasn't easy, let me tell ya, but I must admit he does make all them muscles look real nice.

"Running the length of about seven Batman: The Animated Series episodes" - Fuck it, I'll just watch seven B:TAS episodes instead. And maybe a few Batman Beyond while I'm at it. Hell, I'd even take Gargoyles over this.

Zak Fucking Snyder. That's all you need to say. You want a pretty pile of turgid, muscled, humorless dreck? Give him him a call and you'll get 2 1/2 hours of nonsensical bullshit with so-so effects and a script that's flatter than 3 day old PBR.

I totally agree. And the guy who was the band (like Rundgren, a multi-instrumentalist with a rotating cast of stand ins) has had a bit of success post NR - produced/wrote grammy winning The Game of Love for Santana/Michelle Branch, nominated for an Oscar last year - and Joni Mitchell loves the song and covered it. So

I'm sorry my mind was elsewhere - what were you saying?

I really like the New Radicals tune. What can I say, I've got the dreamer's disease.

As a partner in an indie record label for over 15 years (and part of said "record industry") who deals constantly with trying to get royalties from Spotify and others I say you can go fuck yourself as well.

Anytime a machine is given human based emotional reactions or behavior it's problematic. And Chopper is especially human in his narcissistic, ego-centric actions and responses. Then again, C3PO is a non-stop drama queen in gold plate, so what else is new in Star Wars? Regardless, I enjoyed the ep, mostly because I

Check out Human Giant, his sketch show on MTV pre P&R he did with Rob Heubel and Paul Scheer. Some hilarious and absurd comedy.


Pee Wee's Playhouse was a crazy melange of pure childish fun, absurdist theater, alternative comedy (Pee Wee came from a character he created at The Groundlings), underground cartooning (Gary Panter designs) of the 80s, a bizarre cast of characters ranging from talking chairs to fancy cowboys (Cowboy Curtis played by