TS Idiot

I can't wait for Al Pacino to be cast as the lead in Warner Brothers' upcoming "Confucious" biopic!

When I have the $ I will - though I already have Mon Oncle on VHS and DVD, Playtime on VHS.

Yes - Jour de Fete is a broader and longer look at the town the postman comes from, and has larger comedic set pieces.

Playtime and Mon Oncle are two of my favorite films - got to see them on the big screen a while back which was amazing. If you get a chance, check out his earlier films the short Ecole des Facteurs (School for Postmen) and Jour de Fete - some of the best physical comedy gags I've ever seen (utterly bonkers bicycle

My Goodwill is ridiculously great (Ballard, Seattle) - I have found signed Kurt Vonnegut, signed Maurice Sendaks among many other great things (I collect/sell a lot of things from there)…and today I picked up Mogoliad volume 3. Huzzah.

I agree. Better concept than execution.

Considering I lived through that period, and knew pretty much every reference having played D&D, seen all the movies, knew the words to all the songs, played almost all the video games, it was basically a trip back to my childhood and teen years. So I was bemused by all the 80s stuff - what I didn't like about it was

Just finished Ready Player One - a fun if not very deep read, especially since I was in HS in the early 80s. Just found The Mongoliad Vol. 2 at Goodwill so about to dig into that (love Neal Stephenson, and ripped through Vol. 1 a few months back).

So Little Nicky was silently on tv in the background when I came home tonight as my roommate was working on something. I watched for like five minutes. Excruciatingly unfunny and cruel humor (thank god I didn't have to actually hear the "jokes"). It reminded why I haven't chosen to see a Sandler film since The

It's only 2 episode in. Give it time to breathe and grow.

As long as it was't to a gal (or guy) you were hitting on…

It's not that black and white.

There are several - Travels in Hyperreality is probably the best one, How to Travel With A Salmon is also very good.

But it's a really good book, so how stupid were you?

A different what?

He did do stand up when Johnny Carson retired - The Amazing FLYDINI!

Name of the Rose is fantastic, and if you are willing to wade into slightly deeper waters (especially the first 50 pages), Foucault's Pendulum is amazing (I've read both at least 3 times). I enjoyed Baudolino, and The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana is an older man's love letter as novel to pop culture and

yes, it did.

Is the tall skinny dude with glasses the same guy from Gingham Style who jumps out of a sports car wearing yellow, and dances around for a bit?

-ally Balou here…