
Go deep on the B-Sides! 200+ tracks total.

1) I don't think Sam is ever really intended to return to The Wall, especially what with Jon being gone now and such. There was that random chapter in ADwD (?) regarding someone murdering some maesters and sneaking some magic junk out of the Citadel, so perhaps that will become Sam's mystery? Comes across some kind of

And when he tried to ask for another lawyer because he thought his guy wasn't doing his job right and the fucking JUDGE talked him down? Fuck.

I shudder to think how many innocent people are in jail right now because this is how the process of criminal justice is carried out.

I got such a horrible feeling from all of the prosecution, including Dassey's defence lawyer. The distinct impression was that every single one of them saw how high profile the case was and thought that by being involved they could make a name for themselves. Dassey's defence lawyer completely threw him under the bus

Totally agree! Have gotten so many raised eyebrows when I say I think they're both as good but prefer Vol.2.
"But the Crazy 88s fight scene in #1!"
"Yeah, but ALL of the dialogue in #2!"
etc etc :)

I wouldn't say it's a criticism, more just an observation. I still love his stuff (Inglourious Basterds is my #1, then KillBill Vol.2)

While I consistently love Tarantino films (even Death Proof, while bad for his level, is better than the best output of a lesser director) I don't tend to think of him as an innovative/visionary/groundbreaking filmmaker as much as a very very talented movie DJ. This is not a criticism, mind, but he's more about genre

Like that you view Kill Bill as a single film, do you have a favourite part/half?

Tom Cruise. He always seems to be trying so hard to not come across as Tom Cruise but his inherent Tom Cruiseiness forever gets in the way.

Have you seen The Prestige? Feel like this plays into that expectation really well :)

Maybe more Indy than Han, he's too big for a scruffy young smuggler.

He does mention that most of the plot of The Revenant is done in the first act, and the rest of the film is just following that setup through. It's not as twisty/turny as The Hateful Eight. Both of them were excellent though, so watch if you haven't!

Thumbs up. Would watch.

She also has the greatest taunt in all of Smash Bros - when she shakes her hips and sings "lala lala la la!".
Sends all my friends into white-hot rages.

As an atheist, I must say an awful lot of atheists give us a bad name.
These militants aren't helping anyone by being pricks about their beliefs any more than anyone else is converting anyone in any direction or faith by thumping their religious tome of choice against their chest and grunting at the sun.
I see it like

It's been pulled. Apparently Fox don't appreciate people improving their shows.

This is a big ask considering the epic gullibility of Bay's audiences and the morbid curiosity of genuine fans, but can we somehow organise for people to NOT go and see this so that it LOSES MONEY and they DON'T RUIN IT FURTHER?
I'm not saying don't watch it at all, I'm just saying don't pay to watch it. Wait until

I still maintain that much of the reason this bombed at the box office was that its global opening weekends put it up against "The Expendables". Which was shit, but had a bigger banner. I thought it was as excellent an adaptation as we were ever likely to see, but too much of the peripheral characters' storylines