Ann Frankly I Don't Give a Damn

Rudders are controlled with your feet

My fingers started to bleed from all the filing and lay out fluid I used to get a 1912 to work

You’re right it was around 600 rounds per min I was hearing and the long reloads but tons of rounds between them say he was struggling with the belt.

This is just big media covering up the truth, we know it was recent muslim convert samir al hyde

We can’t let terrorist win!! They want us to target the second Amendment

I smell a reality show with Cassie Anthony, and George Zimmerman

Because Jews want everyone hating each other

How many niggers are murdered by niggers?

This why can never work for one of these companies these fuckers spend share holders money on this shit.

Andrew anglen is a piece of shit Manlet troll make no mistake, but wait until Google, or go daddy decides gizmodo is clashing with their business model and they just take your domain.

I love a happy ending

Because she is a Jew hater