Ann Frankly I Don't Give a Damn

They Are made in China too

Minus the every Tesla model s built before 2015 will have it’s drivetrain blow up around 60k

Since Tesla has adopted the apple model for quality control.

Most states have a lemon law that is some what similar to this if the car has the same problem fixed three times in 2 years from delivery it’s legally a lemon.

Let’s remember the real victims of this bit torrenters

Ever calculate how many gigs a month you burn through?

You won’t remember this in ,a week

Gee Google killed the daily stormer with net neutrality they litterally stole a domain

They also use shitty compression because bandwidth is cheaper than good servers

Considering Comcast owns MSNBC I doubt that

You think you ISP was eating the cost Netflix caused them with congestion? Lol

Minus erc Clapton’s or the p4/5

Seriously shut the fuck up you faggot,

Be honest you never met him

I hope Tesla fails, I really hope it’s viewed as a Stanley steamer or a Detroit electric.

Stephen colbert molested preteen extras while working on strangers with candy

Fuck him he is a coward,

You are either retarded or intentionally trying to trick people, that’s for a prepaid cell phone company , people can still buy data in Blocks of GBs or pay 5 euro a month for unlimited video streaming.

Right now we are subsidizing Netflix, Hulu , amazon, sling etc etc.