
Avunculate Marriage was quite common among medieval royalty, in 14th century Eurpoe, no one would have been shocked or disturbed by this kind of marriage.

My guess is that Viserion-Walker hits Jon with a full blast of Ice-Fire and he survives it.

Jaimie will be fine. Pushing Bran out the window was the act that started him on the road to becoming the Three-Eyed Raven. As Bran clearly stated near the beginning of the episode when the northerners began questioning Jon about bending the knee...none of this petty B.S. matters while the night king and his army are s

He likely isn’t distraught about his father, it’s the brother who was decent to him that counts.

Conveniently done off-screen to maximize the suspense and impact of the scene where Baelish gets his just desserts.

Well, to your point about waiting for the red shirt to turn...a reanimated fresh corpse isn’t as convincing as a half-rotted reanimated corpse.

Water doesn’t freeze just once, it’s physics.

I always thought that, as presented, Stannis’ escape from the Battle of the Blackwater was more than a little to convenient and screamed of plot armor.

Alexander Siddig, Indira Varma and Keisha Castle-Hughes are all fine actors, it was the material that was given to them that let them down, especially compared to how well the adaptation had been handled.  

You really need to educate yourself about Goldwater. I used to hold the typical liberal dogma that Goldwater was the anti-christ but once I actually educated myself concerning his dealings with Nixon and the religious right I’ve done a complete 360 on my opinion of his character.

For me the low point comes next season when Sansa gets treated like a brood mare, hell the Bolton’s would have treated a brood mare better. Even Martin had the good sense not to sink so low in exploiting the rape tropes.

Because he was thingafied after the blood test and what’s with this Mac OR Childs business. The creature was obviously intelligent enough to realize that having an “heir and a spare” was the most reliable way to go into hibernation.

You’ll get no argument from this wypipo that this particular office was completely in the wrong on this one, especially considering the judge had already accepted the gentleman as a lawyer performing his duties in his court.

Somewhere, in the deep darkness outside Tommy Lee Jones front door a lone pug waits patiently for the opportunity to POUNCE!!

No one’s making a movie of my fictional life claiming it’s actual “history”.

Other than the gospels there is no historical evidence that this woman even existed.

Gleeson was so good in his role that he’s basically retired from acting to do puppet shows.

This season and this episode is also the beginning of Jaimie’s disillusionment with the game, his family, his sister and his father that finally came to fruition at the end of season 7 where he finally told Cersei to go to hell and headed up north to fight the battle that really only matters.

You have a point about the lack of substance in the plot and characters but the technical credentials of the film were impressive. The disconnect most people have with the movie is likely due to the fact that there is no comparison to the 3d version of the film that was viewed in theaters and the flat version shown on

Is there anything worse than Hipster Contrarianism?